Starfieldfirst DLC, Fragmented Cosmoshas a more specific ending than the main game. Where Starfield designed to be a sort of infinite loop where the ending is not an ending but a transition to New Game Plus, Fragmented Cosmos There is one final moment, a decisive action, that players must perform to determine the Va'ruun'kai's fate. However, there is also a larger element to choose from Fragmented Cosmosthe final of .
[Warning: This article contains spoilers for the ending of Starfield’s Shattered Space DLC.]
throughout Fragmented Cosmosthe player character can talk to a ghostly version of Anasco Va'ruu, one of the House's first leaders. Investigating the cause of a massive explosion on Va'ruun'kai that resulted in the sudden appearance of violent phantoms throughout the galaxy, they make their way to the Scale Fortress. At this pivotal point in House Va'ru's history, the player learns that the explosion and phantoms were the result of an aborted experiment that would allow House Va'ru to create super soldiers and use them to take over the galaxy.
What happens if you surrender to Anasco in the fragmented space?
The First Bad Ending of the DLC
Anasco asks the player to flip the final switch by rebooting all of Scaled Citadel's systems and deploying super soldiers. However, there is another option in the terminal: “Emergency shutdown.” This effectively cuts off the life support of all sleeping soldierscondemns them to death.
Naturally, Anasco prefers that the player character executes his plan and deploys the super soldiers. If they don't, he flies off the handle, calling the player character weak and treacherous. Otherwise, he thanks them for their hard work, sacrifice — wait, sacrifice? The first step Anasko's plan is to activate the Dimensional Castle Gate, transporting the entire Castle into the Vortex..
This will kill all of the Va'ruun'kai – both the Zealots Anasco hates and his completely innocent followers. Only Anasco and his phantom soldiers will survive. Whether they cut off life support or activate soldiers, the player character is always presented with the same two options: Obey Anasco or kill him.
If they decide to follow Anasco, it will result in an instant game as the player dies on the jump to the Vortex. The implication here is that Anasco and his phantom soldiers will kill the rest of the House of Va'ru, then set their sights on the rest of the galaxy. This could be considered a bad ending; While the final fate of Anasco's crusade is unknown, it is pretty clear that the Va'ruun'kai were all destroyed and sacrificed themselves along with the player character.
What if you attack Anasco in the fragmented space?
Anasko becomes the Final Boss of the Starfield DLC
IIf the player character decides to fight Anasco, they will face an uphill battle against his phantom form and army. super soldiers. However, they are able to defeat him before he can complete the Gate Leap and go outside to watch the Scale Tower explode on top of itself.
This is the logic here Anasco was defeated foreveror at least sealed away for several millennia. While the Va'ruun'kai are still fighting the Zealots, at least they are safe from this threat. However, as it is completely isolated from the rest of the galaxy, it can return to internal turmoil. However, there is one last conversation.
Second Final Choice of Shattered Space: What happens if you leave Va'ruun'kai?
The Second Bad Ending of Starfield DLC
The player character is knocked unconscious in the explosion and wakes up The heads of the three Houses of Va'ruun'kai fussing over them. In the conversation that follows, they will have the opportunity to recount their last moments with Anasco and decide what to do next. While reluctant to believe that Anasco is out to kill them all, they quickly realize that his defeat means that they now hold supreme authority over the Va'ruun'kai, and they must make a decision about what to do next.
The player character can choose between House Veth'aal, House Dul'kehf, or House Ka'dic to become the next ruling dynasty of Va'ruun'kai. However, they can and do choose to leave the planet None of the Houses are fit to lead, and the House of Va'ru is better than dead.
Ruler selection is not particularly effective; it really only affects a few small details in the final chapters of the DLC campaign.
As he said, the player character will be banished from the city of Dazra and declared an enemy of the House of Va'ru.. The Three Houses will continue their infighting, and as a result, the fate of the Va'ruun'kai remains uncertain. This can also be considered a bad ending in a certain sense; the player has the option of ending House Va'ru's conflict, but instead chooses to leave them to their own devices. They don't miss out on much content this way, but it's still a slightly disappointing thought rather than a satisfying conclusion.
Second Last Choice of Shattered Space: What happens if you start the Serpent Crusade?
The Third Bad Ending of Starfield DLC
After the player has had the opportunity to announce a new Speaker and explain that Anasco plans to launch a second Serpent Crusade, Leaders of the House of Representatives will evaluate the option of taking up the mantle themselves. The player character has the final say here and can choose to support or oppose the Crusade.
A few comrades will not like this option. Sarah, Sam, and Barrett can threaten to leave the player if he starts the Serpent Crusade.
If the player agrees to start the Serpent Crusade, this is what it means House Va'ru resumes its attacks on Inhabited Systems with renewed vigor. Although the end result of this war is not directly depicted in the game, it is likely to be quite ugly, resulting in a wave of death and destruction across the galaxy. The player will still be allowed to return to Va'ruun'kai and will have access to a permanent home there when they want to visit.
The Second Last Choice of a Fractured Space: What Happens If You Choose Peace?
Starfield's DLC Good Ending
If the player decides to oppose the Crusade instead, then The house of Va'ru will enter a period of relative peace. His followers will continue to live in isolation and worship the Great Serpent, but will give up their desire to take over the galaxy.
This is the only good ending to the DLC House of Va'ru admits defeat. The player character still remains an official member and can access their home in Va'ruun'kai in the same way.
Unfortunately, aside from the immediate outcome, the games the player chooses have little reverberating effect. Fragmented Cosmos ends in the rest of the game. It's ultimately about role choice, where players can decide to do what makes the most sense for their jobs. Starfield characters.