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Sims 4: Doctor Career Illness List


  • The Doctor career in The Sims 4 is challenging and requires accurate diagnosis of 8 different illnesses.
  • Knowing the symptoms of each illness is vital for making a correct diagnosis and providing proper treatment.
  • The symptoms for each illness include coughing, sneezing, fever, gas, headache, itchiness, rashes, and stomach pain.



The Doctor career is one of the most challenging occupations in The Sims 4. Players with the Get To Work will get to enjoy this active career, where you can join your Sims for a day of work and actually control what happens. Beware, though: being a doctor is anything but easy.


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As a doctor, a Sim must accurately diagnose patients’ sicknesses. There are eight illnesses, from mild to deadly, which the Sim must know about. If they get it wrong, their job performance will be severely affected, thus threatening their future (not to mention patient lives). Here’s a list of all the illnesses a doctor Sim should be familiar with.

Updated on November 28, 2023 by Gabrielle Castania: In the Sims 4 Doctor career, you’ll be required to diagnose a patient based on the symptoms they present. In this list, we take a look at all the illnesses and how to have your Sims 4 Doctor diagnose each once. You only get one chance to make a diagnosis so knowing the symptoms of each illness in The Sims 4 Doctor career is vital!

9 Symptoms

A Sim with a tiger stripe rash

Before you look at specific illnesses you need to know how to identify common symptoms. These are:

Symptoms And What They Look Like In The Sims 4


Present As

Cough or Sneeze

The Sim will cough.


The Sim will have stars over their head, and will perform a dizzy animation.


A Sim with steam coming from their ears who’s wiping their forehead and occasionally thinking about a thermometer likely has a fever.


Sims with gas will release green gas clouds.


The Sim will touch their head, which will have a red aura or halo.


The Sim is consistently scratching themselves.


Visible star, swirl, or tiger stripe rash patterns or green and orange spots are present on the Sim.

Stomach Pain

This Sim will clutch their stomach.

And now that you know the symptoms of each disease in The Sims 4, you can now more effectively make a diagnosis based on symptoms you notice in your patients.

8 Bloaty Head

A Sim with a headache aura


Headache and Fever

It sounds obvious, but Sims with Bloaty Head will be experiencing a headache. You should be able to see a faint line around their head, almost like an aura. The aura, in this case, is pain.

They will also have steam coming out of their ears, and the two together is a sure sign that they have Bloaty Head.

Is this the Sim version of migraines? Whatever it might be, you can treat it by giving the patient a shot. Sounds a little extreme for a headache, but you got to do what you got to do.

7 Sweaty Shivers

A sim with a fever


Spot Rash, Itching, and Fever

Sims may also release steam from their head if they have Sweaty Shivers; as it indicates that they’re feverish. They could also have spots on their body, which tend to be a sickly orange or green.


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Another symptom is itchiness, so if you catch a patient scratching themselves take note.

The last possible sign is a thought bubble appearing above them, showing a thermometer. If they show all these symptoms, you can place your bets on them having Sweaty Shivers. Dose them up with a vaccination, and they’ll be right as rain in no time.

6 Gas-and-Giggles

A sim having their temperature checked


Gas, Laughing, Stomach Pain, and Tiger Stripe Rash

This illness is pretty much what it describes: the afflicted Sim will be both giggly and gassy. They will laugh at random times, sometimes uncontrollably. They’ll pass gas every now and then as well.

With all that gas in their gut you might catch them rubbing their stomach, and they could show signs of having a fever as well.

To top it off, they could also have a rash on their face – one that resembles a tiger’s stripes. There’s a medication for Gas-and-Giggles that should put a stop to all that tittering and trumping. The last thing you need in a hospital is more patients getting sick from bad smells.

5 Starry Eyes

A sim with dizziness and stars


Dizziness and Swirly Rash

Starry Eyes sounds like it should be referring to someone who’s head over heels in love, but it’s a lot less fun than that – if your Sims have Starry Eyes they’ll be feeling pretty rough. Stars will spin over their head, indicating dizziness.

As if to match, they might also have spots on their body that look like little swirls. You’d almost think it was a strange cosmetic mod, if you didn’t know they were sick. Starry Eyes can be treated with medication to help sickly Sims find their feet again.

4 Llama Flu

A Sim coughing


Coughing, Fever, and Spot Rash

You might be wondering how on earth Sims manage to catch the flu from a llama. It sounds ludicrous, but it’s never explained, so we may as well focus on how to help them out. It seems our sweet, fashionable llamas are more dangerous than we might think if they can give Sims diseases!


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Patients with Llama Flu will have green or orange spots all over their bodies. They might also be sneezing or coughing. Whatever happened to the common cold? Stay away from llamas, folks.

3 Itchy Plumbob

A sim in surgery


Itching, Giggles, and Tiger or Spot Rash

Itchy Plumbob may be a funny name, but for the Sims who get it, it’s anything but fun. In fact, it’s so serious it actually requires surgery to be treated. Having said that, the afflicted Sims themselves don’t seem to be aware of how bad it is – you’ll actually find them laughing.

As the name suggests, the patient will also be itchy, as they could have a rash, which shows up either as the tiger stripe rash or colored spots. It may not sound that bad all in all, but nonetheless, surgery is needed to get your patient back to normal.

2 Triple Threat

A Sim stood up and getting dizzy


Dizzy, Coughing, Itchy, and Any Rash

Triple Threat, as the name suggests, comes with a lot of potential symptoms. The patient could feel dizzy, with stars spinning above their head. Sneezing and coughing are also possible. They can experience itchiness, which probably comes from the variety of rashes they’ll have.

It can be tricky to diagnose Triple Threat when the different sicknesses share so many symptoms, but if you notice the patient experiencing many of these symptoms all at once, chances are it’s one of the more serious ones. If your Sim performs surgery on a patient with Triple Threat, it should clear right up.

1 Burnin’ Belly

A Sim with steam coming from their ears


Fever and Stomach Pain

It’s unclear what causes Burnin’ Belly – perhaps Sims are too eager with the spicy curries, or maybe they’ve even consumed something they weren’t supposed to. Either way, having a ‘burning belly’ doesn’t sound good. Sims with this illness will rub their stomach, and you might see a thought bubble above their heads with a bottle of pink medicine inside it.

The only other symptom is the occasional release of steam from their ears, as they’ll have a fever. It’s the only illness where they will rub their bellies apart from Gas-and-Giggles, so if you also notice a fever, you’ll know it’s Burnin’ Belly. Get them into surgery stat, and their belly will burn no more.


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