Space Marine 2 Class, Worst to Best

Full release Warhammer 40,000: Space Marines 2 is finally here, allowing more of his brothers-in-arms to join the fight to save humanity in the terrifying darkness of the far future. Together with fellow Ultramarines to repel the invading alien forces, players will have six different classes to choose from as they battle against hordes of Tyranids and other alien threats. Whether you choose a defensive bastion to protect your teammates or a lone monster sniper class to eliminate threats, each class has its own limits that can be the difference between death and victory.

After getting hands-on experience with the game and learning which classes they like best, many players will begin to tackle more difficult operations. Space sea 2 has to offer. When faced with the toughest challenges the Xenos threat can throw at them, players must equip themselves with as much firepower and utility as they can to survive. While each class has its strengths and weaknesses, players facing the greater threat of challenging missions can gain an advantage by knowing which classes excel over others.

6 Decimus, Vanguard Class

Close range combat with unilateral maneuverability

The Vanguard class tries to bridge the gap between melee and ranged abilities, but is generally a bit behind the curve. With the Grapnel Launcher, the Vanguard can quickly engage in close combat, but lacks any real options to get out of danger. While skilled players can better maneuver through enemy troops to focus on elites, their lack of survivability and low armor class will find most players waiting to respawn often in high difficulties.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Trigger Bolt Carbine*
  • Occulus Bolt Carbine*
  • Melta gun

Weapons are one of the strongest points of the Vanguard class, having two unique and powerful Bolt Carbines for good mid-range combat on top of the armor-piercing Melta Rifle. Players will make good use of the Battle Knife or Chainsaw after engaging enemy hordes, and they will be good for sustaining damage while quickly weaving through enemies. While not the most powerful, Vanguard is still incredibly fun, a great way to pass the time while players wait for future content.

The Vanguard is a fun class for players who like to run and fire while moving in close quarters, but are often overshadowed by other classes.

The Vanguard can be a valuable tool on the battlefield, sometimes operating separately from the team to take out elite targets while jumping through enemy lines. As a class of situations, Vanguard players must adapt quickly to situations, often switching between melee and ranged weapons. always have an exit plan ready. Overall, the Vanguard is a fun class for players who want to run around and get guns, but are often overshadowed by other classes and the utility that comes with them. Space sea 2.

5 Vespasius, Assault Class

High Risk High Reward AoE Combat

The assault class is one of the most unique and popular class choices Space sea 2relying on a strong selection of melee weapons with no primary firepower. The attack target is similar to the Bulwark, but lacks basic survivability, instead using a Jump Pack to fly in and out of danger. While the attack class It's one of the most fun ways to play the game thanks to its unique brawl-focused gameplaynot very reliable for use in higher difficulty operations.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Bolt pistol
  • Heavy Bolt Pistol*
  • Lightning Hammer*
  • Power fist
  • Chain word

The Assault class comes with a choice of three melee weapons, the class-specific devastating AoE Thunder Hammer. Combined with a powerful hammer, The Jump Pack can be used to knock down enemies, making it most effective for quickly dispatching or stunning large hordes of Tyranids..

The fact that this class lags behind the rest is primarily due to the lack of wide options when fighting difficult bosses.

Offensive players thrive on playing aggressively, hitting consecutive AoE attacks that give the enemy no chance to respond.great for picking up herds. The reason this class lags behind the rest is primarily because they don't have a wide range of options when dealing with difficult bosses, as they can't knock them back or kill them quickly enough compared to smaller threats. Offensive fighters must also be aware of their surroundings at all times, as players are easily overwhelmed without a Jump Pack ready to go.

4 Quartus, Bulwark Class

Strong Support Choice with Great Defense

Not a weak class at all in the Bulwark world Space sea 2with him A sword and shield combo can deal massive amounts of damage while dealing the same amount of damage. The definition of pure and powerful defense, it focuses on providing teammates with buff buffs while acting as a one-man army while taking enemy fire. The only area where Bulwark falls flat is its gaping ranged capabilities, relying more on teammates to take out certain threats while holding the frontline, which is great for controllers in cross-platform play.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Bolt pistol
  • Plasma pistol
  • Sword of Power*
  • Chain word
  • Power fist

His unique speech his electrifying Power Sword makes him on par with the Assault class in terms of melee damagebeing able to easily control enemy troops at will. While not much can be said about its secondary pistols, the shield is the star of the show for the Bulwark, easily making it one of the best looking classes in the world. Space sea 2especially when combined with Season Pass skins. Quickly parrying enemy attacks between melee strikes or firing from behind cover makes it a versatile defensive option.

Bulwark only fails because he relies too much on good teammates to make full use of his abilities.

Chapter Banner is a very useful team-focused ability, it recharges the shields of any enemy caught in it and can easily save a life if timed correctly. This class takes the adage that the best offense is a good defense to the next level by excelling in both combat areas. Bulwark is only weakened by his heavy reliance on good teammates to make full use of his abilities.

3 Strabane, Heavy Class

Very Powerful Weapon with Strong Defense

While the Bulwark is a defensive class with offensive capabilities, the Heavy reverses this priority and prefers to survive by dealing damage. The Heavy class has access to some of the most powerful weapons in the gamewith a slow but destructive rain of fire. Its main combat contribution will be covering fire for enemies further forward on the battlefield, its greatest threat being ammunition management and mobility.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Heavy Bolter*
  • Multi-Broom*
  • Heavy plasma torch*
  • Bolt pistol
  • Plasma pistol

Each of the 3 unique heavy weapons deal equally high levels of damage in different ways, each with their own strengths in different matchups. His complete lack of combat weapons means that Unlike other tank classes, this tank will stay farther away from the movement.

The Heavy class is very powerful in the hands of the right player, but its complete inactivity takes a lot of getting used to.

The Iron Halo ability is one of the most powerful in the game, providing a bubble shield around the player to keep players alive when the going gets tough. Block all incoming ranged damage with a limited health pool, Heavy class can be a defensive bastion or an invulnerable tank for teammates behind them. The Heavy class is very powerful in the hands of the right player, but its lack of complete mobility sometimes requires a lot of getting used to going through ammo quickly.

2 Valius, Tactical Class

A versatile Option with Great Team Play Potential

Although it may seem difficult at first glance, The tactical class is one of the best in the game due to its high DPS and utility focused on teamwork.. With a tier 3 armor class, it's also a great choice for new players, having the widest selection of primary weapons in the game. His large arsenal of weapons and ability to take down high-value targets quickly make him a class that's hard to tire of, which is great for players who plan to stick with him for a long time.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Bolt carbine
  • Bolt Rifle*
  • Automatic Bolt Rifle*
  • Heavy Bolt Rifle*
  • Stalker Bolt Rifle
  • Melta gun
  • Plasma torch*

While each of his weapons isn't selectable on his own, the ability to switch between them depending on the situation at hand makes him incredibly versatile. Aside from the standard carbines and rifles, players have a wide choice between faster-firing assault weapons, slower heavy rifles, and even tank-melting heavy weapons. While there are no melee options or secondary weapons, primary weapons are the focus of this classthe rest are reserves for close range combat.

The Tactical and other classes on the team can quickly work together to easily deplete the health of any threat.

What makes the Tactical class so great in any team is its Aspex Scan ability, which allows allies to deal more damage to highlighted enemies. Targeting high-value mini-bosses or a surprise swarm of deadly Tyranids, The Tactical and other classes on the team can quickly work together to easily deplete the health of any threat..

1 Scipius, Sniper Class

Best Choice for both Firepower and Survivability

With the incredibly versatile Camo Cloak and exceptionally high damage output from a safe distance, it's no surprise that the Sniper class is one of the best in the game. Boasting an arsenal of powerful sniper rifles that can pick off targets from afar and safely relocate with Cloak when detected. As the only true stealth option in the game, The sniper class gives players the tools to be a lethal force on the battlefield at any range.

Primary Weapons

Secondary weapons

Fighting weapons

We can

Armor class

  • Bolt carbine
  • Stalker Bolt Rifle
  • Bolt Sniper Rifle*
  • Las Fusil*

The various sniper rifles can each deal devastating amounts of damage quickly, making this class best for taking out elite enemies or difficult bosses. His combat knife is great for close range combat and allows the Sniper class to perform a sneak attack. can destroy larger enemies instantly. When combined with the Tactic class, the two can be an unstoppable damage force, single-handedly destroying both bosses and Tyranid mobs.

The sniper class still remains at the top of the heap for many players due to its extreme damage and survivability.

While the weapons are what players have come to expect from the standard sniper class, it's the Camo Cloak that gives him a huge advantage in combat. Not just clothes great for sneaking around difficult enemy groups and planning ahead of battlebut can be safely used to bring back fallen allies in battle. While removals and respawns can cause Cloak to wear out early, the Sniper Class is the best class for many players due to its massive damage and survivability. Warhammer 40K: Space Marines 2.

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