- A legendary weapon, Anakin's lightsaber has a dark history.
- The sword's gruesome past is largely overlooked in Star Wars.
- The franchise will likely continue to overlook the role of the sword in Order 66.
Star Wars He explored Order 66 and its effects in several works Star Wars movies and TV shows since its introduction Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sithbut this dark legacy of Order 66 has been largely ignored. Order 66 was the turning point Star Wars timeline. Not only was this the death of nearly every Jedi at the time, but it also sealed Anakin's identity as Darth Vader; he really was fully committed to the dark side at that point.
since Revenge of the Sithas it shows Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Bad Bunchand Star Wars Rebels they highlighted how this tragedy was from different angles, including how the clones were. However, not all aspects of Ordinance 66 were addressed. Rather, an incredibly dark legacy that goes unacknowledged in the franchise in the strangest way.
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Star Wars: Every Jedi Who Survived Order 66 (in Canon)
Clone Protocol Order 66 caused the once-loyal Clone troopers in Star Wars to exterminate the Jedi, but a handful survived this initial purge.
Anakin's Lightsaber isn't just a Legendary Weapon
Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
From the beginning, Anakin's old lightsaber has been treated as a legendary weapon. While it's certainly a landmark for the franchise, and it goes hand-in-hand among some star wars' the most powerful Jedi, but also has an incredibly dark history. Specifically, One of Anakin's last acts with his blue lightsaber was to kill a room full of young people.
In fact, these were far from Anakin's first kills with this lightsaber. He also killed Count Dook in the beginning Revenge of the Sith was with his lightsaber and Dooku, and he had already gone through the Temple and killed countless other Jedi before entering the Jedi Council chambers. But slaughtering the cubs was Anakin's ugliest act Revenge of the Sithand this was done with a very light saber.
This Ordinance 66 Date Must Be Acknowledged
Despite how painful and dark this lightsaber's history is, it is still treated as a hero's weapon. Again, while this is true, it is not the whole truth. Rather, Star Wars People like Luke Skywalker, Rey, and Finn neglected to admit that they were in the hands of the sword that cut down so many innocent children, as they proudly wielded this lightsaber.
Despite how painful and dark this lightsaber's history is, it is still treated as a hero's weapon.
It's only fair that Anakin's lightsaber remains a meaningful symbol in the franchise. After all, Anakin is indeed one of them star wars' the most important characters and Chosen. However, given all the additional context surrounding Order 66 that has been given in recent years, it seems rather odd that the history of these lightsaber crimes has been ignored. Surely there is a way Star Wars both honoring what this lightsaber symbolizes and drawing attention to its role Star Wars not so straight.
While this absence made sense in the original trilogy, the history of the lightsaber has yet to be established. the sequel trilogy, which ignores this history, is particularly odd. In fact, Rey even experiences a series of flashbacks when she touches the lightsaber Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This could include a glimpse of Order 66, a quick and subtle way to touch the past and move on.
What Will Happen to Anakin's Lightsaber Now?
Rey buried two lightsabers at the (very controversial) end Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Anakin and Leia. On the one hand, it was an odd choice; Rey buried the swords at Lars' farm on Tatooine. Not only was Leia severely traumatized on Tatooine – because she was kept there as Jabba's slave – but she had never even been to Lars Farm. For Anakin's lightsaber, it made a little more sense, since Anakin's mother was buried there, and perhaps it was the closest thing to a side-by-side burial.
Even so, audiences craved the iconic lightsaber at the end. Apparently, despite Ray's approach Star Wars A film made 15 years later The Rise of Skywalker, and at this moment, Anakin's lightsaber was firmly planted and would not be looked at again. This has interesting implications for the history of the lightsaber.
Star Wars It seems that in the years after the prequel trilogy, this lightsaber, so precious, decided to never admit to committing such heinous crimes. While somewhat disappointing, this legacy is surprising because it is both relevant and important. Star Wars isn't a franchise to shy away from more gruesome details, but the dark legacy of Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber will likely continue to be swept under the rug.