Stephen King's Ultimate Canin Isn't Randall Flagg (It's Worse)

Randall Flagg is known to many Stephen King fans, he's not really the worst villain in the King of Horrors, even if they don't delve into his books. Stephen King's books are notable for being remarkable – the horror usually begins slowly, in a small town, or unfolds in an everyday scenario that suddenly goes horribly wrong. Heroes who fight evil are usually not mythical heroesbut everyday people, the kind you can make small talk with while waiting in line at the grocery store or say hi while walking your dog.

What makes Stephen King's villains so memorable is the ordinariness of his setups and characters. His villains also come in all forms, the author is keen and willing to spread terror around; Stephen King's villains are human, supernatural, and otherwise. In the universe created by Stephen King, a rabid dog, a possessed car, an unhinged nurse, a malevolent vampire, a resurrected child, a psychotic sentient monorail, and a space entity can all play prominent antagonistic roles. Some of his villains are particularly terrifying. still, they even bow down to their elders – Stephen King's worst villain.

Randall Flagg is Stephen King's most recurring villain, but not the worst

Randall Flagg Has Appeared Wearing Many Faces in Many Universes

It's understandable that when people think of Stephen King's worst villains, they immediately think of Randall Flagg, or even Pennywise, especially if they've only seen the movies and not read the books. This is understandable. Randall Flagg is the King version of the Devil: a fickle, immortal bargain that has roamed our earth and others for millennia, sowing chaos, discord, violence, and death. Its existence is as undeniable as it is evil; Randall Flagg is a merciless, reptilian pest, a malevolent god who can change his face at will.

His ambiguous nature and immortal life make him such a great Stephen King villain; he's able to change to fit whatever villain the story needs, so he's appeared in many more than just one. Stand. The Ageless Stranger, The Walking Friend, The Man In Black, Marten Broadcloak, The Dark Man, Walter Paddick, The Faceless Man, Harcase, Walter O'Dim and many more, perhaps He Who Walks Behind the Line, Randall Flagg is legion and the most recurring Stephen King antagonist . Even so, There's a villain that even Randall Flagg fears and even Randall Flagg bows to, and that's the Crimson King.

Who is the Crimson King (and What is Stephen King's Purpose in the Multiverse)

His Purpose is Simple: Destroy the Multiverse

The Red King in The Dark Tower by Stephen King

In fact, The Crimson King is Randall Flagg's master. While Randall Flagg often appears to be serving his own purposes – and he is – his greater purpose is to serve the Crimson King and do his bidding. The works he does, the discords he sows, are all at the service of his master. The Crimson King is a Lovecraftian demonic entity similar to Pennywise, but more powerful. Born from the illicit relationship between the mythical archer Arthur Eld and the demonic Crimson Queen, the Crimson King was born from Prim, the primordial soup from which everything in all universes was born.

The number of books and short stories in which Randall Flagg appears or is referenced is not entirely agreed upon by fans, for example, several books
Long Walk
there are scenes that may or may not refer to it.

As the living embodiment of Prim, All the Crimson King desires is chaosendless chaos and destruction. Its main goal is to destroy the Beams that hold the Dark Tower, the center of not only our universe, but all universes, and bring down the Dark Tower to throw all universes into chaos. After the Dark Tower is destroyed and the multiverse is laid waste, he will rebuild it in his own image – dark, chaotic and primarily cruel, with all beings in all the multiverse bowing to him.

These goals also put him in direct opposition to Blood, born of Prim and the King's God-equal, creative, Crimson King's destroyer. so that The Crimson King leads the Red – agents of chaos and destruction in many realms – while Blood is the agent of all things, while leading Aga. While the Reds want to break the Rays and destroy the Tower, the Whites want to protect it and protect the multiverse from destruction.

Why The Crimson King Is Much Worse Than Randall Flagg

He is a Monster, Other Monsters Fear

The Crimson King's bloodshot eye logo and the words All Hail The Crimson King

Simply put, The Crimson King is the villain of villains. As terrifyingly powerful and evil as Randall Flagg, the Crimson King is even more powerful and evil. He is unimaginably powerful: omnipotent and able to exist simultaneously on multiple levels of the Dark Tower and thus in multiple universes simultaneously. That would make him evil enough, but he also possesses necromancy and dark magic, shapeshifting, elemental manipulation, telekinesis and mass mind control, the ability to control the weather, and a dangerous, primal energy known as Deadlights. This will know.

If Randall Flagg is an immortal werewolf, it only makes worse what the werewolf serves—what the werewolf fears.

His power is so great and his influence so powerful that the Crimson King manipulates Pennywise to gain more power and strength and uses Randall Flagg to carry out his dark orders. He also controls a number of other minor Stephen King villainssuch as vampires Salem's LotKurt Barlow, Atropos and John Farson. If Randall Flagg is an immortal werewolf, it only makes worse what the werewolf serves—what the werewolf fears.

Crimson King is the villain behind the villain, the puppet master who runs the rest. He doesn't appear in the pages of Stephen King's books very often, but he doesn't need to. Like all great mythical figures, his legend is shaped by whispers and stories and the fear of other charactersand their words alone are enough to describe its cosmic evil.

Stephen King Works in which The Red King Appears or is Mentioned


Type of work


Novel (Book #1, The Dark Tower series)



“The Despicable Men in Yellow Coats”

Short story (in Hearts of Atlantis)

Black house

Novel (co-authored with Peter Straub)

The Dark Tower

Novel (Book #7, The Dark Tower series)

A Gunslinger Is Born

Comic series

Long way home

Comic series


Comic series



Gwendy's last assignment

Novel (with Richard Chizmar)

With many short stories and books by Stephen King The Dark Tower, The fact that the Crimson King's existence and will are closely tied to the destruction of the Tower makes him the author's ultimate villain.. When Randall Flagg achieves his goals, he wipes out a city in one book or interferes with the fate of a character in another book. In the grand scheme of the multiverse, his destruction is small and surgical, serving a greater end. If the Crimson King achieves his goals, the multiverse—the Stephen King of the created multiverse—is destroyed. All his stories, all his books, all his characters, all fall apart, fall apart. And that, more than anything else, makes Crimson King the greatest Stephen King villain

Headshot of Stephen King

Stephen King

Discover the latest news and filmography for Stephen King, known for Creepshow and Sleepwalkers.

Date of birth
September 21, 1947

Place of birth
Portland, Maine, United States

6 feet 4 inches

Author, Screenwriter, Producer, Director, Actor


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