There's a lot of talk about penis size when it comes to male insecurities, but does size really matter? Online doctor and pharmacy service ZipHealth set out to find out with a new survey investigating how penis size affects sexual satisfaction.
In revealing the results, the company, which offers online treatment options for a variety of health issues including erectile dysfunction, surveyed 800 women, 100 gay men, and 100 straight men to better understand the importance of length and girth. Participants were also asked about the tools and techniques that contributed most to their satisfaction and how erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation affected their intimate relationships.
What they found was that the ideal penis size for women is 5.5 inches long and 4.5 inches in girth. (For good measure, the average erect penis is 5.16 inches in size and 4.59 inches in girth.) Nearly half of the women surveyed said length and girth were equally important; a quarter said girth, a 10th said length, and a sixth said neither was important.
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On the other hand, homosexual men who participated in the survey said that their preference for length was 15 cm and for girth was 12 cm, similar to the heterosexual men who participated in the study.
And for men who have trouble in the bedroom, rest assured that you’re not alone. About 10% of women say they have a partner who has erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, compared to 11% of gay men who face the same problem.
Communication has also been found to be important, in part, when it comes to female pleasure, as more than 30% of women who said they never discussed their sexual preferences or satisfaction with their partners reported being “very dissatisfied” with the quality of their sex life. Somewhat interestingly, but perhaps not entirely surprisingly, only 13% of heterosexual men can say the same.
To learn more about sexual satisfaction, go to: ZipHealth Blog For the full findings.