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Sundel Bolong Maze info

Welcome to “Sundel Bolong Maze Labirin,” a thrilling adventure that invites you to explore a mysterious maze while collecting coins to escape. In each level, follow the instructions from the beautiful Sundel Bolong who gives instructions to collect coins correctly and successfully overcome the obstacles.

However, be careful! Each level is inhabited by the cruel ghost of Sundel Bolong who is ready to disturb your every step. Face the thrill of fighting enemies who block your path, while collecting as many coins as possible.

After successfully passing the obstacles and collecting enough coins, return to the beautiful Sundel Bolong. Explore the surroundings, go around, and touch Sundel Bolong to open the gate to the next level. Only those who are brave and smart in collecting coins and facing these cruel ghosts will be able to overcome this mysterious challenge.

Are you ready to face Sundel Bolong and this mysterious maze? Find the answer now in “Sundel Bolong Maze Maze”! Good luck trying the game challenge!

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