Adam Sandler as Homer Simpson is the perfect live cast I never imagined

Summary The live-action trailer for The Simpsons is causing a stir online, and its casting of Adam Sandler as Homer Simpson is secretly genius. While the idea of ​​The Simpsons movie has fans debating the casting, Sandler's performances as the lovable chump make him perfect. Adam Sandler's box office success and ability to play goofy, … Read more

Star Wars made Palpatine's Clone Wars Plan darker than even George Lucas could have imagined

Summary The Clone Wars was a Jedi trap, forcing them into military roles they weren't intended for. Palpatine didn't just aim to convert Anakin; he tried to subvert the entire Jedi Order by turning members to the dark side as part of his master plan. Order 66 was just the beginning of the Jedi Purge, … Read more