Spiders Employees Get Higher Salaries, Better Remote Work Policies

Workers at Fall of Greed 2 Spiders developers got better salaries and remote work policies a week later threatening to go on strike. In a statement sent to Game Developer by Spiders management, the company reiterated its previous claim that claims about poor working conditions made by the Video Game Workers Union (STJV) were “false … Read more

Embracing Remote Work: A Model for Employee Success and Well-Being

As many companies grapple with the future of the workplace, one thing is clear: Remote work is here to stay. The pandemic has forced this seismic shift, and the debate over the most appropriate model continues to rage. Management teams are responding to this new way of working in a variety of ways. Some are … Read more

Polar Bears Maul and Kill Worker at Remote Arctic Radar Station

Polar bears don’t usually live in densely populated areas, but along with grizzly bears, they make up some of the most dangerous bear species in the world. And while attacks are rare, an employee at an arctic radar station in a remote corner of Canada was attacked and killed by two polar bears in a … Read more