New Steam changes allow developers to highlight related games and DLC on store pages

Valve has added new Detection characteristics to Steam for studios to implement. These changes, according to Valve, were made based on explicit feedback provided by developers, some during Gamescom in early August. Both changes give studios control over which related elements appear on a title’s store page. They can now choose which studio, franchise, or … Read more

Borderlands 4's Steam Release Doesn't Mean the End of the PC Store Wars

Borderlands 4 was revealed this week at Gamescom, and the loot shooter will launch on Steam unlike the Epic Games Store (EGS). Controversy, both Borderlands 3 AND The wonders of little Tina launched on Epic's storefront before finally arriving on Steam. The platform shift was so obvious that Gearbox head Randy Pitchford he spoke during … Read more

Steam reviews now reflect whether a game was played on Steam Deck

Another edit has been introduced to Steam user reviews. Starting today, reviews will be marked with a symbol to show that the reviewer has played “primarily” on Steam bridge. The icon is presented on the right side of the banner, and Steam Deck playtime can be revealed by hovering over it. However, there is currently … Read more

Valve Launches 'Utility System' for Steam User Reviews

Other changes have hit Steamthis time for user reviews. After being noticed by gamers last weekValve has implemented a utility system which prioritizes informative reviews on a game's store page. As Valve explains, helpful reviews have traditionally been ranked by the number of votes from users designated as such. But that system has been easily … Read more

Valve Implements New Rules to 'Refine' Written Descriptions on Steam Store Pages

Valve is imposing new restrictions on the written content of Steam store pages to ensure developers are only sharing relevant information. The company says some developers use store pages to “present information or links” that distract from learning about the actual games, making it “difficult” for consumers to make informed purchasing decisions. “We want players … Read more

Steam Increases Store Image Requirements, Details Phaseout of Old Specs

Valve has released a new update for Steam which increases the size requirements for banner images. The changes were made to help developers “showcase their game in the best light,” especially on high-resolution monitors and OLED Steam Decks. OLED was also mentioned as the first element where the new dimensions would be most evident, as … Read more