Microplastics Found in the Brain Affect One Sense in Particular, Study Finds

Microplastics continue to be found in some alarming parts of the human body, according to a new study published on September 16 JAMA Network Open The journal explains how microplastics in the human brain can affect an important part of our daily lives: our smell. Researchers in Brazil examined the olfactory bulbs of 15 cadavers … Read more

British study nDreams confirms that layoffs could impact 17.5 percent of the workforce

Virtual reality studio nDreams is making a series of layoffs that could impact 17.5% of its employees. The company said that “a challenging VR gaming market” requires a “renewed strategic focus” that will involve job cuts. The British company operates four studios and is known for working on titles such as Far Cry VR, Fractured, … Read more

Study Reveals a Simple Way to Limit Your Calorie Intake When Snacking

Americans’ love affair with salty snacks is no secret—they account for about a quarter of the calories in the average person’s daily diet. But a new study has found a critical mistake many snackers make that could be causing them to consume an incredibly large number of calories during a single snacking session. In the … Read more

Grandfathers May Pass on Exercise Benefits to Their Grandchildren, Study Suggests

While the cognitive benefits of exercise have been well-documented in research for years, a recent study suggests that grandfathers who improve their cognitive health through exercise may pass those benefits on to future generations. The research was published Journal of NeuroscienceIt builds on past findings that cognitive improvements from physical exercise can be passed on … Read more

Study Confirms These 2 Running Shoes Can Increase Your Speed ​​by 2%

Athletes, especially those at the top, will stop at nothing to improve their performance. Powerlifters use lifting belts to stabilize their spines, and some go as far as sniffing salt before big lifts. Meanwhile, runners have been known to train at altitude to increase VO2 max and focus on recovery, relying on top trackers to … Read more

Simply Reducing Smoking Won't Help Heart Health, Study Finds

The detrimental effects of smoking on our health have been well documented in the scientific literature for years, leading many smokers to believe that reducing their consumption in any way will have a major impact on their overall well-being. A new study from the European Society of Cardiology has some bad news for those planning … Read more

This Superfood May Help Prevent Alzheimer's, Study Finds

For years, scientists have been investigating possible ways to prevent Alzheimer's from starting later in life, and a new study suggests a common kitchen ingredient may be the key to stopping the neurodegenerative disease. The research was published Nutrition JournalEggs may be a potential savior in preventing Alzheimer’s dementia as we age. Eggs have long … Read more

Marijuana Users Have Less Severe Covid Infections, Study Finds

A new study has potentially good news for cannabis users as we approach the peak of Covid season. It found that people who use cannabis are less likely to experience serious illness or even death. The study, conducted by Northwell Health in New York and published last week in The Journal of the American Medical … Read more

Your Movie Preferences May Indicate How You Cope with Your Emotions, Study Finds

When choosing which movie to watch, you can choose from whatever genre you prefer, whether it’s comedy, drama, horror, or documentary. It turns out that the genre of movie we go to can tell us something about how our brain processes emotions. In a published study Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience The journal explains how the … Read more

New Study Questions Link Between Violent Video Games and Aggression

Politicians and parents have been warning for years about the potential dangers of violent video games, claiming that young people who play them become more aggressive in adolescence and adulthood. A new study appears to overturn that thinking. Research, Computers in Human Behavior The journal outlines the findings, which scientists obtained after observing more than … Read more