The 11 Most Powerful Members of Superman's Family

Kryptonians are some of the most powerful beings on the planet, hence the idea a whole family of them is very scary. while Superman often considered the strongest Kryptonian around, his family members are no exception. The Super-Family has grown in recent years, and each new member seems to be stronger than the last. From … Read more

2 Words Made Superman's Son The Scariest (and Most Heartbreaking) Villain Ever

Warning! Spoilers for Absolute Power #2!As if things weren't bad enough, Superman just saw what Amanda Waller did to Clark Kent's firstborn. After a stunning finish Absolute Power #1The Man of Steel faces his pride and joy, only to see Jon at his lowest possible moment. The heroes of the DC Universe are in dire … Read more

Supergirl just solved superman's greatest weakness, unlocking a new God-level ability in the process

Summary Supergirl's super-powered pet horse, Comet, helps her in her CRAZY LIFE quest, where even Superman can't. Supergirl proves that she can overcome Superman's greatest weakness, his magic. This new god-level ability elevates Supergirl to new heights, matching the phenomenal prowess of Wally West's Flash. Supergirl has officially surpassed one Superman's the greatest weaknesses with … Read more

Superman's Haunting Flashpoint Redesign Is Really Scary In The Dark Fanart

Summary Dark fanart explores Superman's dark alter ego in Flashpoint, showcasing his potential for destruction. The Flash's attempt at time travel creates a war between the superheroes and puts Superman on a hard path. The Flashpoint story changes the DC universe, portraying Superman as a government prisoner of darker origins. The Cheat point to change … Read more

Marvel's Superman's Children Are Officially Returning to Marvel Continuity

Summary Originally created by Jonathan Hickman, Children of the Sun returns in the author's latest series. Wolverine: Revenge prompting fans to speculate whether he could be slowly teasing something bigger. The children are the adopted children of Hyperion, Marvel's counterpart to Superman, born and raised in the Savage Land; at the beginning Wolverine: They take … Read more