I Can't Believe Star Trek Just Brought Back These Types Of Animated Series

Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Trek: The Struggle #18! I can't believe it Star Trek brought back an underused species Cartoon series. Star Trek: The Animated Series It ran for two seasons in the 1970s and helped keep the franchise alive before returning later that decade. The play now occupies a hazy place Track canon, … Read more

All 8 Orc Types In Lord Of The Rings Explained

Summary Different types of Orcs, like those of Misty Mountain, Isengard, Mordor, and East, had unique origins, loyalties, and characteristics. Half-Orcs, bred from evil Men and Orcs, played a significant role in battles alongside Uruk-hai and other subtypes like Snaga. Hobgoblins, though briefly mentioned, were speculated to be either Uruk-hai or Half-orcs. The Orcs of … Read more