Batman's new high-speed jet is introduced, but it has 1 major weakness

Warning: Spoilers for Green Lantern #15Move over, Batmobile; Batman it has a high-tech new ride that puts the conventional mode of transportation to shame. Batman's latest technological prowess has surfaced in the most unlikely of places, and with his Flash-rivaling speed, he could be a valuable asset to the Dark Knight. However, its life-threatening downside … Read more

The New Orange Hulk's 1 weakness changes the original Hulk's relationship with Bruce Banner

Summary Multitude and Orange Hulk's unique relationship changes the relationship dynamic of the original Hulk and Bruce Banner. The Orange Hulk's existence depends on Multitude's constant focus, making it vulnerable to attacks on its host. Despite his weaknesses, the Orange Hulk has the potential to surpass the original Hulk by mastering the power of the … Read more

Supergirl just solved superman's greatest weakness, unlocking a new God-level ability in the process

Summary Supergirl's super-powered pet horse, Comet, helps her in her CRAZY LIFE quest, where even Superman can't. Supergirl proves that she can overcome Superman's greatest weakness, his magic. This new god-level ability elevates Supergirl to new heights, matching the phenomenal prowess of Wally West's Flash. Supergirl has officially surpassed one Superman's the greatest weaknesses with … Read more

Nightwing confirmed that all of Batman's gadgets have 1 weakness that he can't overcome.

Summary Despite all the improvements, Nightwing's gadgets have a major weakness – the limitations of the human body. The limitations of the human body set Batman and Nightwing apart from powerful superheroes. Overcoming human limitations with futuristic suit upgrades could potentially redefine the Bat-Family. Nightwing painfully demonstrated Batman's gadgets have a major weakness that even … Read more