X-Men's Founding Hero Reveals The True Meaning Of His Code Name

After 61 years X-Men they finally revealed the true meaning of the founding member's code name. The X-Men is a sprawling franchise with many characters, many of whom take their cues from the original founding members. Earth's mutants head for the water From the ashes period, but now new mysteries are resurfacing, including the truth … Read more

X-Men's Dazzler Debuts Brand New Costume Anglophiles Will Love

Summary X-Men the return of fan favorite Dazzler brings retro vibes, including a British-style redesign, wowing audiences on a world tour in a Union Jack jumpsuit. Marvel new Dazzler the miniseries highlights her advocacy of mutant equality on stage, while also setting her up for an exciting new heroic adventure. Alison Blaire's trip from the … Read more

“Professor Xavier is a bastard!” We're revisiting the X-Men's most infamous explosion (and why we're still referring to it 41 years later)

The X-Men franchise has contributed some of the most enduring images in comic book history, such as the iconic cover or Kitty Pryde pointing to the reader and exclaiming, “Professor Xavier is a bastard!“Like all forms of storytelling, superhero stories in comic books are filled with recurring themes, ideas, motifs, and especially images that recur … Read more