The 10 Best Galactus Stories in Marvel History, Ranked

When Galactus debuted, he was originally envisioned as a once-defeated villain who would leave Earth and never return. Because of that Galactus had to be literally unstoppable, and nothing short of destroying the entire universe would be enough to bring him down. However, as Galactus' lore grew in the Marvel Comics canon, it became clear that Galactus was not the cosmic god he once appeared to be – making him infinitely more interesting.

With Galactus reduced to a more tangible level, the Devourer of Worlds was free to star in many more comic book stories. Sometimes he would reprise his role as a villain (just as he was introduced), other times Galactus was portrayed as a hero fighting alongside some of Marvel's greatest superheroes of all time. No matter what role he plays, almost every Galactus story has one thing in common: they're awesome. However, there are some that are better than others and these are arTop 10 Galactus stories of the bunch, ranked!

10 Galactus' plans to consume the Earth have been thwarted… Squirrel Girl!

Invincible Squirrel Girl #3-4 by Ryan North, Erica Henderson and Chris Giarrusso

When Galactus returns to Planet Earth, this time intent on consuming her for real, Squirrel Girl uses one of Tony Stark's suits to meet the Devourer of Worlds in space. Squirrel Girl finds Galactus on the moon and immediately launches an attack to bring him down. However, despite the initial deception, Squirrel Girl's attacks have no effect. But that doesn't mean she's powerless to stop him, as Squirrel Girl has found an entire planet of otherwise uninhabitable nuts that serves as a fantastic replacement for Earth.

This story is controversial Marvel had the most fun with the character Galactusbecause it's little more than a gag comic that stays true to who Galactus is, though it definitely sets it apart with a high level of meta-awareness and light humor.

9 Galactus made his Hero 1 the Most Powerful Herald of All Time: Superman

Superman/Fantastic Four By Dan Jurgens and Art Thibert

Superman/Fantastic Four is a subtle crossover because it doesn't go to any lengths to explain itself. The Marvel and DC universes are just one, which means Superman has a whole new set of cosmic villains to take on in particular — including Galactus. Galactus was involved in the destruction of Krypton, he was able to mark Superman with the Cosmic Force when he was just a baby. After Kal-El became Superman, Galactus knew where to find him so that he could make Superman his most powerful Herald.

Simply The sheer novelty of seeing Superman as Galactus' harbinger before inevitably turning to him to fight alongside the Fantastic Four is amazing in itself. While this story isn't part of Galactus' personal Marvel Comics lore, it's still one of his most interesting stories.

8 Marvel Comics Reveals Galactus May Have a Biological Child (And He May Have Children)

Galacta: Daughter of Galactus By Adam Warren and Hector Sevilla Lujan

Galactus was created by the cosmic energy that shaped the entire Marvel Universe because he was a human named Galan before his universe was recycled into the Marvel Universe and was “recycled” with it. In other words, Galactus is not a race of beings, but a completely unique being – or so fans thought.

Galacta: Daughter of Galactus It ends with Galactan finding out that she is “pregnant” as he once was “pregnant” with her. Galactus (and his daughter) can reproduce sexually, meaning that over time Galactus can become a thriving race of beings. Loose in the Marvel Universe. Although Galactus himself only makes a brief cameo appearance in this comic, Galacta: Daughter of Galactus it should still be read as it greatly expanded his lore.

7 Galactus' Terrifying Power Is On Full Display As He Fights His 'Son'

Cosmic Forces #6 by Ron Marz and Scot Eaton

while Galacta: Daughter of Galactus Confirms that Galactus can create biological offspring, he can also create life through a mixture of impossibly advanced technology and the Power Cosmic, he gave birth to his first son, Tyrant, just like this. And in it Cosmic Forces #6, readers learn exactly how powerful Tyrant is as he goes toe-to-toe with Galactus himself. In fact, their fight shows just how powerful Galactus is as well, with both titans displaying awesome cosmic power.

Cosmic Forces
#6, readers learn exactly how powerful Tyrant is as he goes toe-to-toe with Galactus himself

Galactus and Tyrant literally tear galaxies apart during their battleit was a display of power that readers at the time had yet to see from the Devourer of Worlds. Sure, Galactus eats planets on a regular basis, but this fight is something else entirely—and utterly terrifying.

6 Galactus Officially Reveals The True Nature Of His Cosmic Purpose

Fantastic Four: The Trial of Reed Richards By John Byrne

In The trial of Reed Richardsreaders are shown for the first time the terrifying extent of Galactus' influence on the Marvel Universe. In the previous storyline, Reed saved Galactus' life and destroyed countless worlds in the process. So the greatest empires in the universe come together to judge Richards for his cosmic crime of saving Galactus. However, just as he is about to receive a guilty verdict, Reed Richards is saved by the testimony of Galactus himself.

Galactus and the Watcher summon Eternity, who explains to everyone (including the readers) that Galactus is not evil, but rather a force of nature. you need to keep the universe under control. The trial of Reed Richards perhaps the most important Galactus It's a must read when it comes to taming his character.

5 Galactus teamed up with his Ultimate Universe counterpart Gah Lak Tus

Hunger #1-4 by Joshua Hale Fialkov and Leonard Kirk

When a rift forms between Earth-616 and Earth-1610 after the events of Age of UltronGalactus goes through an interdimensional opening in time and space and finds himself in the Ultimate Universe. Once there, Galactus is attacked by his Earth-1610 counterpart Gah Lak Tus, but Rather than succumb to the Gah Lak Tus horde, Galactus merges with the hive mind of space drones.and even makes Gah Lak Tus its herald.

The Hunger introduces an entirely new form to the Devourer of Worlds, truly transforming him into the Ultimate Galactus. In this form, Galactus battles the Ultimate Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, and Rick Jones (imbued with unparalleled cosmic power by the Watchers). before taking on the entire Ultimate Universe on his own in the next storyline, cataclysm – which is also a great Galactus story to read.

Ralph Ineson voiced Galactus in the upcoming Fantastic Four movie, James Blendick voiced him in the Silver Surfer TV show, and Ted Cassidy voiced him in the 1967 Fantastic Four TV show.

4 Galactus Battles the Heavens, Transforms into the 'Death Star' and Wipes Out the Wave of Annihilation in 1 Epic Event

Destruction #1-6 by Keith Giffen and Andrea DiVito

Destruction is one of the most action-packed Marvel Comics stories to date, and Galactus' role in the event is no exception. In the first release Galactus confronts the two Celestials, and while he puts up a good fight, he quickly defeats the Eater of Worlds.. Galactus' body is then brought to Thanos Galactus uses the “Death Star” as the power source for his space laser. This weapon siphoned Galactus' Power Cosmic and gave Thanos (and Annihilus) the means to weaponize it as they saw fit.

Finally, Galactus breaks free from Thanos' space laser and immediately sets his sights on the person truly responsible for his imprisonment: Annihilus. Galactus uses his great cosmic power to destroy the Annihilation Wavemakes this saga one of the greatest Galactus stories in Marvel history.

3 Galactus defeats Dormammu in Doctor Strange's Villain's Own Dimension

Doctor Strange #15 by Barry Kitson, Mark Waid and Scott Koblish

Galactus has proven himself to be one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe, but this story takes him to a whole different dimension, but Galactus proves the same. Dormammu takes Galactus to his realm to transform the Devourer of Worlds into his Herald on the physical plane. However, Dormammu gets a little more than he bargained for when Galactus consumes one of the Dormammu-sized celestial bodies. thereby gaining the ability to use dark magic on top of his mastery of cosmic science.

Galactus has proven himself to be one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe

With new Dark Dimension powers, Galactus becomes powerful enough to consume Dormammu himselfthereby becoming a powerhouse of even more dark magic. This 'fight against' is one of the best encounters in Marvel history and shows how powerful Galactus is even when fighting magic.

2 Galactus Takes On Odin and the Asgardian Army for the Galactus Seed

Mighty Thor #1-6 by Matt Fraction, Olivier Coipel and Khoi Pham

Odin slams his head into Galactus' face.

When Galactus learns that the Asgardians have obtained the Galactus Seed, he immediately tries to take it from them. By eating the Galactus Seed, Galactus' eternal hunger will finally be satisfied. While this seems like a good thing, Odin is determined not to let that happen. So when Galactus arrives, Odin sends the entire Asgardian army – including Thor – to meet Galactus in battle. Odin even joins the fray himself with a powerful headbutt to Galactus' face, putting the Devourer of Worlds down for a while.

Galactus fighting Odin, Thor and other Asgard warriors is enough to make this storyline worth reading. not to mention the epic lore expansion this arc contains. Everything that makes Galactus great is featured, including some of Galactus' most exciting fight scenes to date.

1 The Coming of Galactus is still the world's best story of all time.

Fantastic Four #48-50 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

While the Marvel Comics stories starring Galactus since his debut have ranged from lore-expanding to visually stunning, it's still safe to say that nothing can top his original storyline, The Arrival of Galactus. Galactus wasn't just another cosmic character during his debut, but an invincible god whose presence meant certain doom. Because of this, the Fantastic Four had to threaten to destroy the entire universe with the Ultimate Nullifier to defeat him, which only speaks to Galactus' terrifying power.

Since then, Galactus has been watered down a bit in terms of power level. Before, nothing short of destroying the entire universe could defeat him, but now even the likes of Thor can bring him down (which arguably defeats the purpose of his character). Galactus has never been more terrifying than in The Coming of Galactus.nor did he feel like an invincible space god, so that's for the best Galactus A story in the history of Marvel Comics.

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