The 10 Funniest Peanuts Comics About Back To School

Charles M. Schulz's Peanut is not only a master class in comic storytelling, but also masterfully captures the feeling of childhood, complete all the highs and lows of holiday activities, team sports and of course school. Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus and the rest Peanut the gang (like any child) spends most of its time at school and Peanut perfectly describes their joyful experiences.

While this feature comic strips Peanut The network is as much about school as it is about school Charlie Brown Without a doubt, the most fun adventures are the ones that show the gang actually going back to school. All the excitement, stress and fear of going back to school after a relaxing and fun summer is felt by every child and remembered by every adult. Peanut comics are especially funny. Here it is The 10 funniest Peanut comic strips about back to school!

The strip began as a daily strip on October 2, 1950 and
this was the first


The first peanut comic

12 Lucy is So Excited to Get Linus Up for the First Day of School


Peanuts member Lucy wakes Linus up for the first day of school.

On the morning of the first day of school in the Van Pelt family, Lucy takes it upon herself to wake up her younger brother Linus. He walks into her room while she's still sleeping and comments on how shameful it is to disturb her. However, it seems that Lucy was either cynical or changed her mind incredibly quickly. When it was time to wake Linus, Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs, “SCHOOL STARTS TODAY!!!.

Linus literally rolls out of bed, startled by Lucy's abrasive wake-up call. Based on what he said before he woke Linus up, though he certainly denied it, I guess Lucy even enjoyed waking him up from bed on the first day of school – maybe a little too much.

11 Charlie Brown's First Day of School Gets Off to an Equally Surprising Start

Peanut – 9-8

Sally wakes up Charlie Brown on the first day of school.

Just as Lucy yelled at Linus to wake up for the first day of school, Sally woke up to Charlie Brown, and was similarly thrown out of bed by the startling nature of this wake-up call. However, while Lucy certainly messes with Linus (often in a flawed way to “help” those around her), Sally wakes up Charlie Brown in a state of panic himself.

Sally didn't just scream at Charlie Brown, she ran around the house screaming because she was overwhelmed by the stress of the first day of school. Due to summer vacation, Sally can't remember anything she learned last year and desperately tries to remember any information she might be responsible for knowing when she returns to the classroom – a truly hilarious scene that practically everyone can relate to.

10 Sally is as stressed at the end of her first day of school as she was at the beginning

Peanut – 9-9

Sally stressed that the school year was over on the first day.

Sally obviously didn't have the best start to her first day of school – Charlie Brown can attest – but her day didn't end well. When Charlie Brown asks how her first day was, Sally is completely out of control. He said that the first day of school is nothing compared to the last day of school because it is the time when all the grades are finalized and one's future is shaped forever.

It seems that Sally tends to stress about the future quite easily, whether it's the near future of a new day or the more distant future of the end of the year. Anyway, it is clear that Sally did not have a very comfortable first day at schoolbecause he was incredibly stressed (about various things) from start to finish.

9 Sally Overcomes Her Anxieties by Getting Overexcited About Research

Peanut – 9-20

Sally is very excited to be at school.

Where specified Sally has some major concerns when it comes to schoolthis comic is the first to show readers how he conquered them. First, Sally has a “anxious student“, at which point she becomes entitled to work to overcome it by becoming overly enthusiastic about her studies. There's even a moment when Sally says that things get a little weird:”Make me a vessel for your training“Before You Scream At The Top Of Your Lungs”LET'S LEARN THOSE CAPITALS!!“.

The good news is that this method of relieving her anxiety actually works for Sally. The bad news is that this method is borderline insane. But, if it works, it works – and whether he's crazy or not, it's absolutely ridiculous.

8 Even the School Building Itself is Rough on the First Day of School

Peanut – 9-8

Peanuts' Sally warns the school building about the first day of school.

This year, when Sally returns to school, she finds that the school building itself has been remodeled since the previous school year. Although Sally now knows how to manage her first day anxieties, He wants to make sure the building's nerves are at ease on the first day of school. Sally does this by warning the school that she will surely get a lot of criticism from the students because the kids hate going to school and often take it out on the school itself. After hearing Sally's warning, the school actually speaks up and says:I want to go home!“.

Sally acts like a first-time student in the school building, and like many actual first studentsthe school's reaction is to want to go home, a hilariously quirky way of capturing the universal first-day anxiety.

7 Sally finally revealed a surefire way to get him excited for the first day of school: bribery

Peanut – 9-2

Sally tells Charlie Brown that bribery is the only way he can get back to school.

It is firmly established at this point Peanut Sally is not a fan of the first day of school. Doing her best to be very enthusiastic about the lesson plan or even talking to the school building itself has calmed her anxiety in the past, this Peanut the comic strip finally reveals the only surefire way to get Sally really excited to come back on the first day: a bribe.

While walking with her older brother, Sally mentions that school will start soon, at which point Charlie Brown asks, “What do you need to prepare for your return?Sally replies,Bribery“. Honestly, bribery is almost the only constant motivation in a child's lifeso it's no surprise that Sally admits it in this comic – although she was still funny.

6 Charlie Brown can't even get through his first day of school without having his dreams dashed

Peanut – 9-8

Charlie Brown reads his essay about summer in front of the class.

As an assignment for the first day, Charlie Brown's teacher asks his class to write about what they did during the summer. When it's Charlie Brown's turn to stand up and share, he says he spends most of his time playing baseball. Chuck then adds that he wants to play baseball professionally, and one of his classmates blurts out, “Good luck!“.

Obviously, “Good luck“Charlie Brown had a joke that he was so bad at baseball that he couldn't play it professionally. It's not like Charlie Brown was trying out for the majors, he was just sharing a childhood dream. But, being the unfortunate 'Charlie Brown' that he is, it should come as no surprise that he can't even get through the first day of school without having his dreams shattered..

5 Sally's summer essay is shorter (and less tragic) than Charlie Brown's.

Peanut – 9-9

Peanuts' Sally writes an essay about the first day of school.

While Charlie Brown's summer essay opens him up to ridicule from his peers, Sally's essay is definitely safer to read in front of the class. When Charlie Brown asks Sally if she wants to watch TV with him after school, Sally says she can't because she has to work on the aforementioned assignment. Sally sits down at the desk and starts working, and after about 10 seconds she's done because the only thing she writes is “nothing under the heading “What did I do this summer?“.

Charlie Brown opened up to his class about his dream of becoming a professional baseball player in his essay and was cruelly teased for it, an embarrassment he didn't have to live with because he would have to stand up to his younger sister. from the class and literally say:nothing“.

4 Nothing gets Peppermint Patty excited about school, not even her own excitement

Peanut – 9-6

Peanuts' Peppermint Patty falls asleep in class.

Over the years Peppermint Patty is famously disinterested in schoolso much so that he usually sleeps during class. However, Mint Patti decided to turn over a new leaf and told Marcie how excited she was for the upcoming school year and how ready she was to get started.”an adventure everyone can enjoy“. Then Mint Patty immediately falls asleep.

To be fair, Marcie says that Mint Patty did a better job of staying awake during class than she usually does, saying:That wasn't bad…the “learning thrill” lasted fourteen seconds!“. But while it may be a new record for Peppermint Patty, Being awake for only 10 seconds in class before falling asleep isn't great, and apparently even her own excitement can't keep Minty Patty interested in school..

3 Peanuts uses the first day of school to show just how good Big Brother Charlie Brown is

Peanut – 9-4

Charlie Brown walks to school with Sally because he is too scared to ride the bus.

On this first day of school, Charlie Brown and Sally wait for the bus together instead of just walking to school. This would be Sally's first time riding a bus and Charlie Brown could understand that she was a little nervous. At first, Sally plays it cool. But as the bus approaches, Sally gets angry and says she's not ready to get on the bus. Instead of mocking him, Charlie Brown tells his little sister that if she doesn't want to ride the bus, it's okay and she'll be happy to go to school with her..

It is moments like these that remind readers why Peanut is such a beloved and timeless comic because it doesn't shy away from showing the tender, heartwarming side of childhood, rather than the humorous side. And that's why it's one of the top 10 Peanut back to school comics.

2 Basic background

  • Peanut the first strip ran in seven newspapers: The Washington Post, Chicago Post, The Denver Post, The Seattle Times, Evening Chronicle, Globe-Times, and the Minneapolis Star.
  • The Minneapolis Star was the only newspaper to feature a short feature introducing the author on debut.
  • Schulz was responsible for every aspect of the strip, from the script to the artwork and lettering.


Peanuts Franchise Poster


Created by Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts is a multimedia franchise that began as a comic strip in the 1950s and eventually spanned films and a television series. Peanuts follows the daily adventures of the Peanuts gang along with Charlie Brown and his dog Snoopy. Aside from the 2015 film, the franchise also has several Holiday specials that air regularly on US Television during their respective seasons.

created by
Charles M. Schulz

Christopher Shea, Kathy Steinberg, Bill Melendez, Sally Dryer, Peter Robbins, Noah Schnapp, Hadley Belle Miller, Mariel Sheets, Lisa DeFaria, Venus Omega Schultheis

Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy van Pelt, Linus van Pelt, Sally Brown, Pig-Pen, Marcie (Peanut), Peppermint Patty, Woodstock


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