The 5 Best Star Wars Retcons (and 5 Worst)

Star Wars is famous for its retcons, but not every retcon in the franchise's nearly five decades has been successful. Star Wars movies and TV shows have made shocking (and sometimes sudden) changes since the beginning. In fact, the original trilogy had some of the biggest retcons in the entire franchise and Star Wars defined by its shocking twists, especially those contained within The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

But over time, retcons have become a pain point Star Wars. It seems that increasingly recons are being met with strong backlash and criticism, and a lack of understanding of what really constitutes it. Star Wars canon has become quite controversial. Admittedly, some retcons have been better than others, though a few have been as abysmal as they were framed. During all retcons Star Wars timeline, here are the 5 worst and 5 best, ranked from worst to best.

10 Bringing Palpatine back to life was a huge mistake

Residents Struggle To Identify A Villain

no doubt worst retcon ever Star Wars It was the subtly explained return of Emperor Palpatine Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkernearly five years after the film's debut, it continues to be heavily criticized. Sequels are known to be very controversial and many still think they are in between star wars' worst movies However, the sequels introduced many interesting concepts such as Force Dyad and it delivered something truly incredible. Star Wars characters.

Even so, The constant exchange of control over the sequel trilogy films, once again the change of hands from JJ Abrams to Rian Johnson to JJ Abrams left some gaps that needed to be of them is the main villain of the trilogy. Star Wars: The Last Jedi He saw Kylo Ren kill his master, Snoke, and while many believed that would put Kylo Ren first, The Rise of Skywalker took a sharp left turn and brought back the tried and true villain. However, a major part of the problem was the lack of explanation: “Anyway, Palpatine is back.”

9 The origin of Rey's “Nobody” would have been more true in Star Wars

The Last Jedi gave Rey a more compelling background

Coinciding with Palpatine's shocking return was a change in Rey's origin. In The Last JediKylo Ren told Rey that his parents were nothing more than dirty scum merchants who sold him for drink. This, at least, though dark, For Ray, this backstory reinforced his original message Star Wars. By making Rey a “nobody”, The Last Jedi reminded the audience that heroes can come from anywhere and don't have to be related to one star wars' the most powerful Jedi to matter.

By making Rey a “nobody”,
The Last Jedi
reminded the audience that heroes can come from anywhere.

unfortunately The Rise of Skywalker It scrapped this storyline entirely, instead revealing that Rey is a descendant of Palpatine. In particular, Rey's father, Datan, was a clone of Palpatine who was cast aside for not having the force. In the end, Rey rejected the name and lineage entirely, instead adopting the surname Skywalker (which was also controversial).

Padme's Death Was A True Service Of Character

One of the most annoying retcons Star Wars one of the most frustrating plot points in the franchise in general. Specifically, The death of Padme Amidala Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith not only was it a huge disservice to the character, it was also a confusing retcon. In Return of the JediLeia stated that she remembered aspects of her mother, such as her beauty and kindness. This suggested that Leia had been living with her mother for a while, which George Lucas even considered at the end Revenge of the Sith.

Instead, Padme's death was a bewildering disappointment, as if she had simply lost the will to live. Considering all of Padme's accomplishments and the character she's always been, this was really shocking and perhaps a betrayal of character. Ironically, this was a choice the prequels didn't have to make at all. Although the films were somewhat limited to the original trilogy, Padme's death was not specified. Nevertheless, Star Wars A retcon settled on a better ending for Padme.

7 Mara Jade Removed from Star Wars Canon

One of Star Wars' Best Jedi Is No Longer Canon

When Disney bought it Star Warsmany concepts, characters, and stories became part of Legends, meaning they were no longer part of Legends Star Wars canon. unfortunately It includes one of the most brilliant Jedi in the franchise: Mara Jade. In the legends, Mara Jade was one of the Hand of the Emperor, one of Palpatine's personal assassins. However, she eventually met and married Luke Skwyalker, joined the light side of the Force, and became a Jedi Master in his Temple.

I guess so Star Wars later decided to take Luke's story in a very different direction Return of the Jedihowever, it was later revealed that Luke had built a Jedi temple of his own, but it fell with Ben Solo/Kylo Ren's fall to the dark side. Indeed, not only did Luke never marry (instead supporting the Jedi order against extras), but he went into exile, believing that the Jedi were too flawed to continue. Unfortunately, given this story for Luke, it's unlikely that Mara Jade will ever become canon.

6 Midi-Chlorians Remain Highly Unpopular (And Confusing)

Many Felt George Lucas Made The Force Too Scientific

Rounding out the worst retcons list is the introduction of midi-chlorians. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. In fact, the function of midi-chlorians has changed many times Star Wars. In The Phantom Menacethey seemed to be direct measurements of a person's Force sensitivity. However, over time, the franchise has turned that definition into a measure of his potential on the Force. Although the last Acolyte ostensibly followed the original definition, indicating that the midi-chlorine count reflects the Power sensitivity.

In any case, the complaint remained largely the same. Many found the concept of midi-chlorines too scientificespecially since it was introduced right after the original trilogy, when so much of the Jedi and the Force seemed so mythic. Perhaps this is why midi-chlors came and went Star Wars movies and TV shows over the years; it seems like the franchise doesn't quite know what to do with them.

5 Inhibitor ordered chips 66 easier to swallow

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Undercuts Betrayal of the Clones

Star Wars: The Clone Wars The prequel trilogy did quite a bit to rein in the era, especially in between Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. A key component of this show was the clones themselves, which further fleshed out how close the clone troopers and the Jedi they worked and fought with were. However, The Clone Wars it also made Order 66 significantly more tolerable in one key way.

thankfully The Clone Wars discovered that the clones were created with inhibitor chips, forcing them to carry out order 66 against their will. Although the carnage was still brutal and bloody, it was almost a comfort to know that the clones didn't want to betray the Jedi. In a way, this made Order 66 more terrifying to the clones themselves, but it also made it clear that they hadn't really betrayed the Jedi.

4 Giving Anakin Skywalker a Padawan was Perfect

Ahsoka Tano Was An Incredible Star Wars Addition

Another incredible addition The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Padawan was Ahsoka Tano. In the beginning, the audience was not very fond of Ahsoka because Anakin was not mentioned to be a Padawan in the prequel trilogy. Nevertheless, Ahsoka has (rightfully so) gained considerable popularity in the franchise, and she now seems to be one of them. star wars' the best characters. In fact, Ahsoka has even made an impressive leap from animation to live action, most recently starring in her own show. Ahsoka.

Ahsoka is easily one of the best examples of how brilliantly a retcon can work
Star Wars

Ahsoka is easily one of the best examples of how brilliantly a retcon can work Star Wars. Although there were many echoes then, Introducing Ahsoka Star Wars completely critically ended. Not only did her story help explain more about Anakin and his turn to the dark side, but Ahsoka has now become a major character in the New Republic era, in several current and upcoming timelines. Star Wars plays and films are made.

3 Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia Organa's History Was Amazing to Watch

The Obi-Wan Kenobi Show perfectly combined the Prequels and the Original Trilogy

Although there was a difference of opinion about the audience Obi-Wan Kenobi to show The story between Obi-Wan Kenobi and young Princess Leia was absolute gold. In fact, this retcon was a very logical way to resolve a long-standing question New Hope. Leia sent her distress signal to Obi-Wan first Star Wars movie and his message mentions that Obi-Wan fought Bail Organa in the Clone Wars, but even after the additional context, it seemed like a huge gamble. Star Wars the prequel trilogy.

However, Obi-Wan Kenobi Leia revealed why she really trusted Obi-Wan so much. From the relationship between Obi-Wan and Bail Organa from The Clone Wars (although that was still part of it), Obi-Wan Kenobi showed that Leia and Obi-Wan got to know each other very well about 10 years ago New HopeWhen Obi-Wan saves Leia from being kidnapped. More than that, Obi-Wan Kenobi Obi-Wan even told Leia a bit about his biological parents, revealing what a precious bond they really had.

2 Luke and Leia's Sibling Twists Were Awkward… But Worth It

Luke And Leia's Kiss Was Complicated, But This Retcon Is An Awesome Kiss

One of the most famous Star Wars repeated meetings were held in Return of the JediWhen Leia is revealed to be Luke Skywalker's sister. While this was a shocking twist anyway, it was especially troubling in the context of the original trilogy because Luke and Leia have previously been floated as a possible romantic couple. In fact, the two not only kissed The Empire Strikes Backalso, Star Wars composer John Williams even admitted that he thought the two were romantically involved when he composed the music for the original trilogy.

Despite the inconvenience, this retcon paid off massively. Yes, the very awkward twin kiss has become a running joke both within the franchise and in popular culture, but the decision to make Luke and Leia sisters had a lot of impact. Star Wars in the best possible way. In fact, in a way, this retcon defined most of the events of the prequels.

1 Darth Vader Was The Perfect Retcon Of Luke Skywalker's Father

This Empire brings Star Wars back forever

of course the most popular retcon of all Star Wars it was shocking and brilliant The empire strikes back It is revealed that Darth Vader is indeed Luke's father. In New HopeObi-Wan revealed that Darth Vader had killed Luke's father, which he later revealed as the truth. “from a certain point of view.” However, the fact that Vader was indeed Luke's father determined his future Star Wars forever.

In many ways, the prequel trilogy was an exploration of what Darth Vader could be, obviously very evil and robotic, but also as someone who was very human, compassionate, and the father of two extraordinary children. Ultimately, the prequels pulled it off beautifully, confirming that this retcon was certainly the right choice. In the end, of all things Star Wars There are retcons, which can be over the top just revealing that Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father.

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