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The Best Challenges In RE4R

While you may consider yourself a Resident Evil 4 pro because you’ve been playing the original version of the game since its launch all the way back in 2005, Resident Evil 4 Remake adds in plenty of fresh twists. One of the best places in which the game changed things up was the fun little challenge system that can add a ton of replayability, especially for completionists.




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You’ll need to be an absolute master to get through some of the game’s best challenges, but that’s part of the fun. There’s never anything wrong with spending more time with such a great experience to complete some thrilling, challenging, but fun challenges.

10 Silent Stranger


Silent Stranger

How To Complete It:

Beat the game without talking to the merchant.


1,500 CP

The Silent Stranger challenge is one of the best to complete because it will seriously test your knowledge and skill in the game. In order to beat this challenge, you’ll have to make it through the game without talking to the iconic merchant.

It may be tough to hold back from doing so purely because you like the guy, but those who got for this challenge will find themselves locked out of a lot of gun options. You’ll be best suited to take on this challenge after beating the game as it’s anything but easy. Those who rise to the challenge will have a whole new appreciation for that mysterious merchant.

9 Frugalist

Resident Evil 4: Remake - Ashley And Leon At The Last Merchant



How To Complete It:

Don’t use healing items.


1,500 CP

This challenge is one that only the best of the best will be able to accomplish. You’ll need to play through the game without using healing items when the going gets tough. This is a fantastic challenge to demonstrate your absolute mastery of the game.

Most people are bound to burn through their healing items in this action-filled game, but if you can avoid the temptation, you’ll be the most frugal Leon Kennedy around. Being able to do this on a first playthrough would be a miracle, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a shot.

8 Minimalist

leon aiming a gun in resident evil 4 remake



How To Complete It:

Beat the game with only knives and handguns.


1,500 CP

The Minimalist challenge is fun because it’s a call-back to a fan-made self-imposed challenge for the original Resident Evil 4. This challenge requires you to beat the game while only using knives and handguns.


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Because every minute counts when aiming for S+ Rank.

As you might have guessed, those strict requirements can make a minimalist playthrough a tough undertaking. Enjoy all those wonderfully tricky boss fights with nothing but a knife and a handgun because that’s all that Leon Kennedy needs in order to bring the beat down to Saddler and his many Plaga-riddled goons.

7 Sprinter

Leon Resident Evil 4 Remake Underground Lab



How To Complete It:

Beat the game in under 8 hours.


1,500 CP

Those of you who love the exciting and incredibly fast modern world of speedruns will be sure to love the Sprinter challenge. Earning yourself a nice cool 1,500 CP, the Sprinter challenge requires you to beat the game in under eight hours.

While that may not seem all that simple for most people who played the game, if you’re willing to plan out a route and get Leon running, you’ll have a speedrun of your own to be proud of. This challenge gives you a whole new way of looking at gameplay mechanics, enemy types and movements, and the weapons that are truly most useful.

6 Hope You Like Thrill Rides

leon kennedy and luis sera ride a mine cart through the tunnels in resident evil 4 remake


Hope You Like Thrill Rides

How To Complete It:

Don’t take damage during the mine cart section.


500 CP

In Resident Evil 4 Remake, the minecart section has been completely reworked in the best way possible. Adding a new layer of dynamism to it, some people find the new version much tougher and much more thrilling than the original.

If you can complete the section without taking damage, you’ll have successfully completed the Hope You Like Thrill Rides challenge. That challenge is deceptively difficult, as there are a lot of potential damage dealers to keep track of as you’re zipping through the cave system.

5 Too Cool For Such Tricks


Too Cool For Such Tricks

How To Complete It:

Kill Verdugo without the help of nitrogen.


500 CP

Every Resident Evil 4 Remake fan should take on this challenge at some point as, while it is difficult, it is worth the bragging rights. In order to accomplish the Too Cool For Such Tricks challenge, you’ll need to take on and kill Verdugo without using any nitrogen to aid in your fight.


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Win tokens and earn Charms by completing the Merchant’s challenges at the shooting range in Resident Evil 4 Remake!

You’ll need to be constantly on the move, and you’ll likely use up every drop of ammo you have to defeat it, but you can do it. You’ll want to use highly damaging weapons like the shotgun for this fight, but another great option is the mine thrower.

4 Professional Agent

leon and ashley in resident evil 4 remake
via Capcom


Professional Agent

How To Complete It:

Beat a new game on professional difficulty without using any bonus weapons.


2,500 CP, Handcannon

In order to best the Professional Agent challenge, you’ll need to beat a new game+ playthrough on professional mode without any of those sweet bonus guns. It’s not exactly one of the hardest challenges, but professional runs are never going to be easy regardless of whether you have bonus weapons or not.

The draw to this challenge is that you can play through the game a second time with all the previous knowledge and skills you’ve accumulated. Absolutely storming through the early sections of the game is a ton of fun, and who wouldn’t want to call themselves a professional agent?

3 Leon “S+” Kennedy

The double El Gigante fight in Resident Evil 4 remake.


Leon “S+” Kennedy

How To Complete It:

Get the S+ rank on professional difficulty.


3,000 CP, Cat Ears

You really need to be on your A game if you want to accomplish the Leon “S+” Kennedy challenge, because you’ll have to earn an S+ rank on the game’s hardest difficulty. Professional mode is already tricky enough, and having to get an S+ only adds to all that difficulty.

Two major kinks that are thrown into the mix are that you must not only deal with the brutal difficulty, but you also have to beat the game in under five and a half hours, do so from a new game, and save less than fifteen times total. If you can do that, you deserve an S+ yourself.

2 In Tune With The Harpoon


In Tune With The Harpoon

How To Complete It:

Don’t miss when fighting Del Lago.


500 CP

There are a lot of aspects of Resident Evil 4 Remake that deserve praise, and managing to keep your tremendous fishing experience of a boss fight with Del Lago feeling fresh is absolutely one of those aspects. If you can defeat the beast without missing a single throw, you’ll have bested the In Tune With The Harpoon challenge.

Anyone who’s played the game knows how tricky something like that can be. Between Del Lago’s erratic movements and having to get used to the combat, you’ll probably only be able to complete a challenge like this on a second or third playthrough.

1 Now Who’s The Rookie


Now Who’s The Rookie

How To Complete It:

Parry Krauser five times in a row.


300 CP

If you found the fight against Krauser thrilling and surprisingly easy, you’re one of the lucky few who probably completed the Now Who’s The Rookie Challenge. To do so, you’ll have to parry five of Krauser’s attacks in a row.

Being able to complete this challenge is worth it because who doesn’t want to decimate Krauser? You aren’t going to have an easy time with this challenge regardless of the difficulty of the game, making it another great bragging rights challenge to accomplish. The only real tip here is that you’ll need to be comfortable with Leon’s knife skills to find success.


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