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The Best Character Builds In Starfield


  • Create a stealthy character with skills like Stealth and Concealment, and focus on weapon accuracy and suppressors for silent takedowns.
  • Choose a melee build with skills like Boxing and Martial Arts, and focus on close quarters combat with knives and sabers.
  • Consider a non-lethal build that prioritizes rendering enemies unconscious instead of killing them, while still having some weapon skills for self-defense.



There are many ways to approach the wide-open galaxy of Starfield. No matter what makes you want to explore the stars, you can create a character to do it with ease and style. From weapons, skills, outfits, and even companions; you can create a character that is as in-depth as you want.


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While there are no right or wrong ways to approach the game build-wise, there are some that are common, or at least preferred, much as with any Bethesda RPG. While you may not be able to play the infamous stealth-archer in this futuristic adventure, there are still some great builds you shouldn’t overlook.

7 Stealth Build

The Stealth-Archer Of The Future

Starfield: Sneaking behind Leah Casler in stealth mode to steal tree branch from safe

You don’t have to face all your problems head-on, and Starfield has plenty of opportunities for stealth players to thrive. There are obvious choices to help you in this build, like Stealth and Concealment, , and from there, focusing on weapon-based skills and accuracy is a solid choice to help take out enemies.

As for your arsenal, you can pick any weapon really, but many ballistic weapons have the option of modifying with suppressors, but melee weapons are also a solid choice. You can also get many packs and other clothing with the chameleon trait that cloaks you when crouched and sitting still, or gravitic composites to help reduce enemy detection.

6 Melee Build

Up Close And Personal

Starfield, Screenshot Of A Character Armed With A Melee Weapon

While there are plenty of cool laser rifles and futuristic weapons, there’s nothing wrong with fighting up close and personal with old-fashioned melee weapons. Knives, sabers, pain-blades, and the like are your starting point for this build and skills like Boxing and Martial Arts.


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Don’t sleep on skills like Gymnastics to get you into the fight quicker, and Pain Tolerance or Cellular Regeneration to stay in longer. You’ll also want to bulk up on armor that minimizes physical damage to make sure you’re sending out bigger hits than you’re taking, and a good long-ranged companion like Sam can also help balance out your combat range.

5 Non-Lethal

The Pacifist Option

Starfield, Screenshot Of The Brawler’s Equinox Rifle On The Inventory Screen

While playing the game entirely non-lethal may be impossible, it is more likely to be able to play through the game by killing far fewer people than you may think. This is much the same build as you’d find in one that focused on speech-craft, with the difference that you can have skills in some weaponry too.

Depleting an enemy’s health bar with an EM weapon allows you to render them unconscious instead of killing them, using pistol and rifle perks to upgrade them will make you a more potent fighter, and with more health-based perks to help you fight longer. From there, your arsenal and skills are rather open-ended to pick as you please.

4 Ranger

See Ya Space Cowboy

Starfield, Screenshot Of A Pacifier Shotgun In The Hands Of A character

Sam Coe and the Freestar Rangers make a compelling argument for joining their group, but even if you don’t feel keen on wearing the tin badge, you can still model your character after them quite easily. There are a handful of things you’ll need for this build, the least of which is a ranger outfit of your choice.

There are some good clothing options on Aquila, as well as some great ballistic weapons, and to better use them you’ll want to max out the Ballistics skill and then maybe even Pistol Certification or Rifle Certification to better upgrade your arsenal. After that, you’ll be ready to bring a little bit of the wild west to the stars.

3 Sniper

The Long-Ranged Assassin

Starfield: Fighting pirates inside reclaimed outpost

Being a crack shot is a solid choice when you want to take out your enemies before they even see you coming, and there are plenty of ways to improve your accuracy to handle combat situations from a distance better. The first step is finding a rifle that’s best suited for you, and options like the Magsniper, Lawgiver, and Tombstone are all great choices.

These will all allow for a good amount of accuracy out of the gate, and the Rifle perk will boost your damage, and of course the Sniper Certification skill, but you can also get the Weapon Engineering skill to mod your rifles with better scopes and grips for accuracy. Vasco makes a good companion for this build as he is keen on getting up close and personal in many fights while you stick back.

2 Team-Player

There’s No I In Team

Starfield, Screenshot Of Vasco Posted Outside A Ship

Perhaps one of the most open-ended builds out there, but it is a pretty fun one to experience, and if you’re a fan of the companion system in Starfield and similar games like Fallout, then you know all the great things that companions can do for you in-game. Leadership and Ship Command are the skills you’ll want to invest in, but they’re the only must-haves for this build.


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After that, you’ll want to start exploring the galaxy for your favorite companions and ship crew. One way to make this build work for you is to grab some skills to help get better prices at shops, as each of your companions has their carrying capacity, so it’s not hard to become a crew all about moving goods across the stars.

1 Tank

Well-Armed And Armored

Starfield, Screenshot OF The Microgun Heavy Weapon On The Inventory Screen

There’s something so fun about wading through the middle of a firefight that makes you feel powerful, so if that’s how you want to approach Starfield, then the Tank build is the one for you. A good set of armor will make or break this build, for which, ones like the Mantis Armor and the UC Antixeno Spacesuit are recommended.

From there, skills like Pain Tolerance, Fitness, and Cellular Regeneration will all combine to make you a powerhouse, and weapons like the Microgun or a Bridger will take short work of your enemies. Adding on Weight Lifter and a Heavy Weapons Certification will round out this build and make you a scourge of the galaxy.


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