Experience The Walking Dead franchise, perhaps the most popular zombie series in history, through a new, bite-sized card game.
The Walking Dead began as a comic book series created by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore beginning in 2003. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where an undead outbreak causes the entire United States to shut down, becoming a chaotic and bloody battleground of zombies and survivors.
The comic book series has since been adapted into an AMC television series that began airing in 2010, with several spin-off series released, including Fear the Walking Dead and The Walking Dead: Dead City. The Walking Dead has also been made into a video game series, with Telltale's The Walking Dead: Season One episode released in 2012.
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The Walking Dead: Surrounded is an upcoming board game for one to four players where everyone works together to survive in the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Set entirely within a small bag small enough to fit in your pocket, Surrounded challenges players to explore an ever-growing map containing various locations, some of which might contain resources that players need to save lives.
As a cooperative game, Surrounded requires players to work together to extract as many resources as they can from each area they encounter. On the back of these location tiles may be a collection of survivors and/or leaders that players can recruit to their group, potentially bolstering their numbers. While survivors can earn players points and help with resource hunting, leaders offer powerful abilities that could turn the tide of the zombie hordes – as long as they don’t fight each other.
Throughout the game, players will also draw map tiles featuring Walkers (the members of the undead that give the franchise its name) who can spread very quickly across the map if players aren't careful. The group will need to use the resources, survivors, and leaders they acquire during their travels to keep these zombies at bay.
The Walking Dead: Surrounded was designed and published by Button Shy Games, a company that specializes in producing small “wallet games” that players can easily carry around with them, in conjunction with Skybound Entertainment.
Players can grab The Walking Dead: Surrounded right now for £10 ($12) from Button Shy Games' website, as well as an expansion called Under Siege for £4 ($5).