Today's Connections Hints and Answers for September 21, 2024 (Puzzle #467)

Getting a perfect score Connections an impressive feat, especially if you manage it right away. But there's a little more to be found for those who struggle the right balance between guessing and being sure your answers are the trick to finish this game. To that end, we have some tips that can help you find the balance and boost your confidence in solving these puzzles.

If you want Connectionsyou can also find the NYT Tile the game is quite satisfying as there are some similarities between the two despite the conflict. while Tile no word works, you still need to use logical deduction as you slowly do removing a piece of tiles at a time. It's a satisfying process and you'll feel even better when you see the victory screen and your consistent high score at the end.

Today's Connections Category Tips


Mystical forest in the category of relations September 21

In Connectionsyou will often try to deduce the categories by looking at the words in the puzzle and working backwards. It may seem like psychic power, but there are ways to connect the dots without magic spells. Sometimes, just paying attention to a small difference or detail that's all you need to do it. With that in mind, here are four tips to help you see these nuances:

  • One category is about the future.
  • A category is about things that are hard to find.
  • A category is about a phrase to describe something positive.
  • One category is all about adverbs that mean the same thing.

If these hints aren't enough, there are other ways to get hints. The biggest missing piece of information Each puzzle has category namesand knowing these can turn your failed puzzle into a triumph.

Yellow Connections game bar


Green Connections game bar


Blue Connections game bar


Purple Connections game bar


Today's Relationship Answers


Mystical forest in relationships answers September 21

Yellow Answers: Detected and explained

Yellow Connections game bar






Today's yellow category was easy enough to find because none of the other words in the puzzle are there the same vision as these. Clairvoyance usually involves being able to see something, often the future, and is associated with considerable experience in the past. All of these words are people associated with such powers throughout history, and none of the other words are descriptive of a person.

Green Answers: Revealed and Explained

Green Connections game bar






This category was a little too easy for someone who likes to collect a fair amount of stuff as much as it was a challenge. All these words often used to describe collectiblessuch as a LIMITED comic book or a RARE blind box draw. Sometimes different stores or locations will have an EXCLUSIVE version of the action figure. COLLECTIVE is a more general term than the others, as all my examples are types of collections, not varieties per se.

Blue Answers: Revealed and Explained

Blue Connections game bar






Today, the blue category is full of expressions meant to praise someone. Telling them they did a good job can make their day, but there are many different ways to do it. The last two categories are today more difficult due to potential crossover, rather than what the categories actually are. Many of these words can be included in one or the other, but the difference is that in this category the words themselves are often used as full phrases rather than single descriptors.

Purple Answers: Revealed and Explained

Purple Connections game bar






Today, the latter category refers to adverbs and is a little simpler than the purple categories. Purple categories can be very obscure and difficult to guess before the last round, but today these words are more easily combined. However, these unfamiliar with the vernacular used in other cultures BLOODY may not understand what it means in context, and HORROR has more negative connotations than the definition itself. Although the category is easier than it could be, it is still difficult.

Other games like connections

While you're wondering whether to buy your next comic book or action figure, you can also jump into one of these other puzzle games. If you really want to test your math skills to the same extent Connections try your word game, try it Nerdle for See what you remember from your algebra class.


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