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Even though fall camping has just begun, discounts on outdoor gear continue to roll in from leading retailers around the world. Big brands like REI, Amazon, and Dick's Sporting Goods are hosting deals on everything from top-rated tents to plush sleeping bags and even high-end power plants. Walmart is also one of the best spots to check out camping deals, and right now they have a portable, foldable camping table for less than $60 that's a game-changer for campsite cooking.
Vecukty's Folding Camping Table Set is currently available at Walmart for $57; That's a discount of over 60% off the $150 retail price. The handy camping kitchen table has received nearly 200 five-star reviews; Many customers commented that it was the “perfect size,” “very useful,” and “easy to carry.” For any outdoor enthusiast looking to organize their car camping or land-based kitchen, this inexpensive folding table is a great piece of equipment to throw in the back of your car or truck.
Vecukty Folding Camping Table Set, $57 at Walmart (was $150)
Courtesy of Walmart
Not all campsites have a dedicated picnic table; Even so, the more space you have to spread out your belongings (especially for cooking) the better. This desk is sturdy, can hold up to 66 pounds, and has adjustable legs so you can avoid wobbles on uneven ground and even adjust the height. The aluminum frame and durable MDF tabletop reduce weight, while the Oxford cloth organizer and two zippered compartments store kitchen essentials like condiments, pots and pans, portable stoves, and even camping gear like lighting and drinks. Plus, it only takes a minute to install and uninstall. A large and useful folding litter box is included, as well as two small and lightweight folding chairs.
Shoppers were happily surprised at how lightweight and easy to use this table was. “Easy to carry and folds up nicely,” one customer said. Another chimed in, saying: “Goes up great and goes down great – definitely worth the price.”
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Others were happy with its stability. One customer said it “carries a lot of weight, including my cast iron Dutch oven.” Another put it to the test, saying, “This table is so durable; we put two grills on it and it held up great.”
Adding a super handy, portable folding table like this to your rig is essential to a successful backcountry trip. And there aren't many products that will offer better features for just $57. This will definitely be a fast seller, so if you're planning fall camping adventures, grab one for yourself.