If you want to unlock Warrior Princess Xena Funko Fusion, you will have to work a little harder than you think. After unlocking Xena's Cameo mission, there are a number of tasks you must complete that will send you on a journey far and wide for this character. After that you can Use Xena and her abilities, but you want to complete the game and leave no stone unturned.
Unlocking characters Funko Fusion can be difficult because there are many factors that go into each. Some of them dependent which worlds have you been able to completeothers depend on finding hidden levels or secrets that may lie behind abilities you haven't yet unlocked. This means unlocking characters take some timebut you will be rewarded for your effort.
Xena is found for the first time
Shock Amok
Xena: To find the Warrior Princess, you'll have to find her Masters of the Universethis is probably the fourth World you will travel to. That means you had to skip Scott Pilgrim World and continue. you are looking to reach Level 4 in this worldwhich is also known as “Shock Amok” and is quite a way to enter the level.
From there you can continue until you reach the pool area. you will I want to bring a battery with yougo to the far side of the pool and enter the green portal. Take the battery from the ledge into the room and charge it before placing it in the designated spot on the other side of the room. From there you can select a green or red symbol on the screen; to do make sure the green one is on. To learn how, check out YouTuber Perfect Paradox's how-to video.
From there, take the keycard from the purple chest on the wheel. Fall back and turn left, go through the door. You should see the same green symbol above. Keep moving forward and follow the icon that tells you where should you use the key card when you hold it. After opening the door, enter the room and then the green portal. You can then proceed to the area where Xena is waiting.
you will chat with the enemies before they start spawning. Help fight Xena; a fair number will come out. Continue until all enemies are defeated. Then you can go ahead and talk to Xena again. He will thank you for your help before saying that he would love your help if you find it in other worlds. This starts a game of hide-and-seek, which is especially true when one of his locations is in one of the hidden levels. Funko Fusion.
Finding Xena in other worlds
Last Unlock
To complete his quest, you will need to find him in six other worlds get an achievement for it. This is very similar to the process of unlocking Chucky Funko Fusion. The encounters with Xena will be the same every time and you will have to fight wave after wave of enemies before he gives you the same message.
Unlike Chucky, there is
“Where exactly is Xena
at every level. While Chucky has good boy doll boxes, Xena usually hides behind a wall or a puzzle.
The six places The following are the locations where Xena can be found:
The world |
Level |
Jurassic World |
Level 5 |
Umbrella Academy |
Level 4 |
Battlestar Galactica |
Level 1 |
The Thing |
Level 5 |
Scott Pilgrim |
Level 2 |
JAWS (Cameo) |
Found in Hot Fuzz Level 3 |
After finding him in six places, he will be officially unlocked for you as a playable characteryou can team up with any other character in the game. This leads to amusing conundrums, such as pairing the Warrior Prince with the chicken king, Colonel Sanders. Funko Fusion.
Video credit: PerfectParadox/YouTube