What's inside and how Riley helps

2 from the insideThe Vault of Secrets is one of the most important locations in the Pixar film sequel. Original Inside Out It was a critical and commercial success when it released in 2015, and the sequel soared to greater heights. 2 from the insideIn addition to being the highest-grossing film of 2024 and the eighth highest-grossing film of all time, it grossed more than any other animated film. part what does Inside Out 2, so compelling is its highly imaginative and universally relatable story consists of individualized emotions.

as 2 from the inside's Riley grows up, and as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Loathing embark on a perilous journey back from HQ, many new and altered places are revealed in Riley's mind. Along with Vault of Secrets, there's Imagination Land, which is less playful and more gossipy and focused on brainstorming worst-case scenarios for Anxiety. Like Imagination Land, Vault of Secrets is representative of Riley entering her teenage years while playing a central role in the story.

Vault of Secrets Stores All of Riley's Secrets in Her Mind

Lives Up To Its Name

Inside Out 2 Vault of Secrets

As the name suggests, where is the Vault of Secrets? Riley subconsciously keeps secrets that she doesn't want to share with others. As Riley begins puberty and becomes a teenager, many of these secrets are about embarrassing moments she wants to forget or fictional characters she enjoyed as a child. These elements are part of Riley and her history, but she wants to push them out of the forefront of her current self.

The high-security warehouse is housed inside a building with the aesthetic of a government agency, complete with Riley's finger-to-her-lips symbol and motto:
“Your secrets are safe with us.”

When Anxiety Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust are packaged and sent from Headquarters, emotions are transported to the Vault of Secrets by the mind police. The high-security warehouse is housed inside a building with the aesthetic of a government agency, complete with Riley's finger-to-her-lips symbol and motto: “Your secrets are safe with us.” As anxiety rules Riley's life, she sends her five original emotions into the vault to suppress them.

Every Character in Riley's Vault of Secrets

Make your way to Bloofy's House!

After being trapped in the Vault of Secrets, repressed emotions face Bloofy, Pouchy, Lance Slashblade, and Deep Dark Secret.. Bloofy is the fictional host of the preschool show, Bloofy's HouseRiley is still secretly enjoying it. Even when he's only talking to his own shadow, he always talks as if he's talking to his audience. Bloofy has Pouchy, another character from the show, who holds various items around his waist, including tomatoes, frogs, and sticks of dynamite.

Voice actor


Ron Funches


James Austin Johnson


Yong Yes

Lance Slashblade

Steve Purcell

Deep dark mystery

Lance Slashblade is a video game character who is a hero tortured by his pastand has the power move of turning himself into a rolling ball. She is kept in the Vault of Secrets because Riley has a secret crush on her, her face is one of four people who even grace Mount Crushmore. As for the Deep Dark Secret, it is a giant, shadowy, hooded entity that represents Riley's deepest and darkest secret of accidentally burning a hole in the carpet.

Why a Deep Dark Mystery Remains in the Vault of Secrets

He's Not Ready to Be Free

Joy looking confused with the credits behind her in Inside Out 2
Featured Image by Debanjana Chowdhury

When dynamite is used to blow up the door to the Vault of Secrets, allowing Bloofy, Pouchy, Lance Slashbade, and the imprisoned emotions to escape, The Deep Dark Secret is left behind because it is not yet ready to reveal itself. His shame about burning a hole in the carpet is too deeply rooted in his mind to allow the secret to break free. From a story point of view, it adds more intrigue to what the secret is, as being left behind shows that it is so intense that the Deep Dark Secret is trapped and would rather stay hidden than be free.

Although Deep Dark Secret Joy begs to share the truth when she later returns, she once again locks herself in the Vault of Secrets when she mentions it. Riley's other dark secret is when she pees in the pool. This was announced by director Kelsey Mann Inside Out's 2 post-credit scenes were added after audience test screenings “I always liked the idea of ​​leaving a little mystery with Deep Dark Secret and having the audience debate what the mystery was. But the more we showed it, the more people wanted to know what it was.”

2 from the inside
removed scenes that were watchable when purchasing the digital version of the film but not included on Disney+.

Deep Dark Secret again suggests barricading yourself in the Vault of Secrets that he never intended to leave. When one dark secret is revealed, another can always take its place and remain forever sealed in the Vault of Secrets. If Inside Out As Riley grows up, she continues to watch movies, Each successive film can update what Deep Dark Secret is hidingThe changing mystery reflects every phase of Riley's life.

How the Vault of Secrets helps Riley

This helps to divide his mind

In Inside Out 2, Riley guns her fingers

The functional purpose of The Vault of Secrets is to prevent the release of Riley's secrets, which could lead to deeply embarrassing and unwanted scenarios. With the addition of Anxiety, Jealousy, Shyness, and Ennui, Riley is already struggling with new and sometimes difficult emotions as she struggles to find her place among her peers and form a new Sense of Self. Vault of Secrets helps keep him from getting unnecessarily upset with every secret he has in the present and when he has so much to deal with at the forefront of his mind.

Secrets like accidentally setting the rug on fire and peeing in the pool won't help her right now, and will cause more problems if she gets too attached to them. This is a clever way to conceptualize the mind compartmentalizing informationand in this case, literally locking secrets away in a high-security vault. While the Vault of Secrets is a temporary prison that several of the main characters must break out of, Riley helps manage various memories and feelings.

in terms of 2 from the insideThe Vault of Secrets also helps Riley, as it allows her to meet helpful characters she wouldn't have met otherwise, such as Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust. Lance takes on the identity of Slashblade and uses a force move to help the emotions evade the mind police, while Pouchy's dynamite helps the emotions eventually return to Headquarters and becomes an unlikely friend to Fury. All of them these elements make Vault of Secrets essential to themes and narrative development 2 from the inside.

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