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Where Did T-Bug Go After The Heist In Cyberpunk 2077?


  • T-Bug is a close ally of V in Cyberpunk 2077 and plays a crucial role in setting up a heist.
  • During the heist, T-Bug is discovered by Arasaka’s cybersecurity and her brain is fried remotely, resulting in her death.
  • A fan theory suggests that T-Bug’s consciousness might have been uploaded to Mikoshi, the server where Arasaka keeps the essence of people affected by the Soulkiller.



During the early stages of Cyberpunk 2077, V spends most of their time with Jackie. However, V also has another close ally in T-Bug. She’s a netrunner and generally the brains of their little crew. Not long after she teaches you how to play Cyberpunk, she sets up V with her other associate, Dexter DeShawn.


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All of them plan a dangerous job that involves sneaking into Konpeki Plaza and stealing a biochip from Yorinobu Arasaka. Naturally, the heist goes wrong, and V never sees T-Bug again. In fact, she’s barely mentioned in the main questline for the rest of the game. Therefore, you may be wondering what happened to her. If so, this is everything you need to know.

Updated November 30, 2023 by Alfredo Robelo: With the new life the 2.0 update gave to the main game, not to mention the release of Phantom Liberty, many players want to know if there’s any new information about T-Bug. Sadly, there’s nothing official, but we have included her likely fate according to the community.

What Happened To T-Bug During The Heist

Cyberpunk 2077 Screenshot Of T-Bug In Heist

During the heist, V and Jackie pick up the target item, and it seems like the job’s going to be a success. Yet, things take a turn when members of the Arasaka family arrive.

Thankfully, the protagonists are able to hide before they’re discovered. Then, after Yorinobu kills his father, he initiates a hotel lockdown. It isn’t exactly an ideal situation for the two thieves who are currently inside the same hotel.

When the coast is clear, V rushes to the balcony to get out of there. But before T-Bug can open the door for them, she reveals that she’s been made and screams in pain. V immediately loses contact and proceeds to escape the penthouse.


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Her Confirmed Fate

Cyberpunk 2077 T Bug Training

While T-Bug’s situation was clearly a bad one, her exact fate was still unknown by the end of the heist. However, you can find out what happened to her by talking with Yoko Tsuru. The woman is a vendor working at the Kabuki Roundabout’s Dewdrop Inn within the Watson district.

She confirms T-Bug’s death when she reveals that the netrunner’s body was found in her apartment with a fried nervous system. Yoko believes it’s one of the worst ways to go as it feels like “a hundred thousand knives stabbing you at once,” which would explain the screams.

So, Arasaka’s cybersecurity must’ve discovered T-Bug in their system when the place went into lockdown, and they fried her brain remotely. An awful way to go, and to make matters worse, her passing was never given much attention.

The Fan Theory

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny In Mikoshi Talking WIth V

After countless updates and a DLC release, fans have scoured all the new content looking for any new clues about T-Bug’s fate, but no new official information has surfaced. Yet that won’t stop them from speculating, and there’s an interesting theory that would make T-Bug still active after her death.

It’s likely that when her brain was fried, the attack uploaded her consciousness to Mikoshi, the server where Arasaka keeps the essence of people affected by the Soulkiller. This is supported by Johnny since he states that the Soulkiller is used on people connected to the Net, and T-Bug was a valuable Netrunner.

You can even find Jackie in Mikoshi (depending on your choices during your playthrough), giving further credence to the theory. Still, with no official sources, we can only guess and hope for some sort of confirmation on the next Cyberpunk game.


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