Pamela Anderson made a name for herself as the star of shows in the United States. Gulf Observerbut in 2020, the actor decided to move back to his native Canada. This gave him a new perspective on life and helped him decide how to move forward.
Former Playboy the model explained her decision to move in a recent interview Daily Women's Clothing. He returned to his beloved Vancouver Island with the intention of looking within.
“I think [it was] You could call it a homecoming to really look at my life and remember who I was — not what other people told me I was — and that I didn't want anything that happened to me to define me. “I wanted my work to define me,” he said. “All these awarenesses gave me [my] rose garden.”
Creating some space to breathe and think was something he had been thinking about for a while. Looking back on the decision, Anderson admitted that he reached a breaking point in his life, but once he got there it wasn't all roses (no pun intended).
“At some point a few years ago I gave up and needed a change,” he said Better Homes and Gardens in August. “I wasn't in a good place when I came back to Canada. I don't know what happened in the last few decades, but I feel like I'm so far from the image of who I am now.”
“I felt so sad and alone,” she added. “I didn't just feel misunderstood, I really felt like I messed up, that my whole life was a pile of mistakes. I was very hard on myself and thought I had contributed so much to my family and put my children through so much. It got to the point where I decided to move home and disappear and go into my garden.” “I gave it to you.”
In recent years, Anderson has continued to showcase his fresh approach to life, especially life in the spotlight. The death of her longtime makeup artist last year led her to give up wearing makeup and only appear in public with a fresh face. And in September, she admitted that it wasn't until she was 57 that she started feeling comfortable wearing a swimsuit.
Anderson's latest movie is star-studded The Last ShowgirlIn theaters December 13. Today, he remains with his dogs at his childhood home in Ladysmith, British Columbia.