Womanizer Biniyam Shibre partied with his surprise 90-day fiance star in Las Vegas without Ariela Weinberg.

Binyam Shibre looked amazing in the video he shot with himself Fiancé of 90 days franchise co-star Josh Weinstein. The Ethiopian man is best known for his relationship with Ariela Weinberg, whom he married Fiancé of 90 days season 9. Unfortunately for them In recent months, the relationship has changed, which led to their separation. … Read more

Mark Wahlberg Will 'Always Miss' LA After Moving His Family to Las Vegas

Mark Wahlberg gave Hollywood Reporter An update on her family's new life in Las Vegas at the premiere of her new movie on Netflix UnityThursday night. After decades of living in the showbiz capital of Los Angeles, Wahlberg has decided to move his wife and four children to Nevada. “I have to tell you, I … Read more

Las mejores aventuras y escenarios de D&D 5E inspirados en Ghibli para fanáticos de El viaje de Chihiro, Totoro y más

Hace falta algo especial para capturar la esencia caprichosa y acogedora de una película de Studio Ghibli, pero hay muchos suplementos de D&D para la quinta edición inspirados en Ghibli que hacen precisamente eso, y lo hacen con la gracia de un espíritu del bosque muy servicial. Si tú y tu grupo de D&D están … Read more