The MCU's Best Show Destroyed the Worst Multiverse Saga Movie


  • He Who Remains of Loki set up Kang for Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania.
  • Kang's lackluster debut in Quantumania was underwhelming compared to Who Remains.
  • He Who Remains had the advantage of being developed over 6 episodes, which made Kang's story feel rushed.

Loki is arguably the most popular MCU show, but its success has actually had unintended consequences for another MCU multiverse project. Loki Season 1 was highly anticipated because of how much of a fan favorite character Loki is. Little did fans know at the time, the series would also be responsible in many ways for starting the Multiverse Saga, making it an important part of the MCU timeline. Among the set-ups was the introduction of O Galan, a variant of Kang the Conqueror, who originally appeared as the main antagonist of the Multiverse Saga.

After the MCU cut ties with Jonathan Majors, those plans for Kang were revised, but the character was supposed to play a major role in the multiverse drama. Marvel used it Loki By the time Kang himself hits the big screen to introduce the Castle, his story will already be set. The antagonist made his film debut Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumaniabut the success of the Castle Loki put the film at a disadvantage from the start.

Loki's Story Left Behind Was Better Than Ant-Man And The Wasp: Quantumania's Kang Debut

Loki was meant to build Quantumania

Loki in the 6th episode of the 1st season

The story of He Who Remains Loki It was meant to set up Kang's presentation Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumaniabut instead fundamentally overshadowed it. He Who Remains has been established as a looming threat throughout the show's first season, so when Loki finally shows up in the flesh in the season 1 finale, he feels all the more terrifying. On the other hand, Kang is always present throughout Quantum maniabut it rarely feels intimidating.

Many of the MCU projects in Phases 4 and 5 suffer from fans not watching every Disney+ episode. Many shows have flown under the radar, which means fans have missed important information, leading to scenarios like the confusion over who is Kamala Khan and Monica Rambeau. Miracles. However, Loki and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania There is the reverse issue of watching Loki sabotage Quantum mania review experience, since Kang's debut is amazing compared to He Who Remains.

Star Story of Loki Season 1 made Quantumania's Kang plot even worse

Kang's Plot Was Already Weak On Its Own

Loki In season 1, Loki and Sylvie only came face-to-face with him in the finale, but a strong story was written for the One Who Remains. His power over the timelines and Sylvie's disdain for him are steadily built throughout the season. Remaining He insists that his death will lead to worse things for reality, so when Sylvie does indeed kill him in the Citadel at the End of Time, there is a sense of dread about what will happen next. As shown from the beginning, the death of the Remnant results in the disintegration of many universes.

Unfortunately for Quantum maniaKang's MCU story is nowhere near as compelling as He Who Remains. Kang was being set up as a terrifying villain for the MCU with the fifth Avengers the film is even initially named Kang Dynasty. However, the fact that Kang needs Ant-Man's help to escape the Quantum Zone puts a fair amount of slack on this, and it doesn't help. Scott can defeat him quite easily at the end of the movie. His story isn't very impressive on its own, but it makes a direct comparison Loki's He Who Remains plot makes all the flaws more noticeable.

The limitations of Quantumania made matching Loki nearly impossible

Loki Season 1 had Six Episodes to Build Who He Was

Kang's Quantum mania the debut actually suffered from a bland plot, but was also influenced by something that could be considered beyond the project's control. Remaining He always had the upper hand when it came to his personal story, as his character was developed over six episodes. Loki season 1. Kang's story was only supposed to play out in one movie, which explains why his development was so rushed. There wasn't enough time to realize how much of a threat Kang really wasthus, he appeared quite tame.

It's hard to say exactly where Kang's MCU introduction went wrong. Past MCU films have also had no problem creating powerful villains within the span of one film, such as Killmonger and Hela. However, it doesn't feel like He Who Remains or Council of Kangs felt like their respective debuts were on a grander scale than Kang did. Quantum mania even if the story is any blessing Loki really set a promising precedent with its Kang variant.

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