X-Men's Founding Hero Reveals The True Meaning Of His Code Name

After 61 years X-Men they finally revealed the true meaning of the founding member's code name. The X-Men is a sprawling franchise with many characters, many of whom take their cues from the original founding members. Earth's mutants head for the water From the ashes period, but now new mysteries are resurfacing, including the truth … Read more

After 65 years, the most underrated hero of the bat family got the biggest victory of his career

Summary Bat-Mite finally shines heroically in Batman/Superman: World's Finest #29, defeating the godlike villain Doom-Mite. This issue proves that Bat-Mite, despite his stupidity, embodies the heroic spirit of the Bat-Family in the face of real danger. Don't underestimate Bat-Mite's importance in the Bat-Family, as he proves to be just as heroic as any other member … Read more

Marvel Reveals 1 Hero Who Can Defeat Thanos For Good (And May Even Take Him Back)

Warning: Contains SPOILERS for The Incredible Hulk Annual 2024 #1!Thanos He is perhaps the greatest villain in the Marvel Universe, not just because he is insanely powerful and has shaken the entire cosmos several times, but also because he truly loves killing and mayhem. However, this shouldn't mean that Thanos can't be defeated or even … Read more

After Destroying DC Prestige, Arrowverse Finally Gets A Hero Back

Summary In a show of true heroism and selflessness, Dreamer risks everything to stop Waller's evil plan. Waller used blackmail to force Dreamer to work for him, putting his family's lives in danger. Dreamer's fate remains unclear, leaving fans wondering if he's really gone or just in hiding. Warning! Spoilers for Absolute Power #2!favorite character … Read more

Galactus' New Herald Reveals Final Fate of Seemingly Innocent MCU Hero

Warning: Contains SPOILERS Marvel 85th Anniversary Special (2024) #1To celebrate 85 years of Marvel Comics and the release of the 50,000th comic book, Marvel has released a special edition. Galactus' the greatest Herald: Kamala Khan. In the distant future, Wolverine and Deadpool take a tour of the Museum of Heroes, where they listen to the … Read more

DC Confirms 1 Justice League Hero Other Members Are Calling More Than Anyone

Warning: Spoilers for Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 Summary The Flash is the most wanted hero for the Justice League. Barry Allen's speed allows him to help multiple heroes in one day. The Flash's high-speed crime-fighting skills make him vital to the team's success. For the first time, it has joined its pages … Read more

Next year could bring another star wars rebel hero to life… In the last place you'd expect

while Star Wars Rebels it may have ended six years ago, more Rebels characters are introduced to live action, and an upcoming show may bring another beloved character to live action as well. Rebels it connected with many viewers because it was a little bit of everything. It had an ensemble cast that made it … Read more

Two-Face Keeps DC's Greatest Hero from Getting a Terrible Power

Summary Two-Face knows Batman's identity, but keeps it a secret to protect Gotham from a “pure bat” attack. Teddy tries to sell Batman's secret to Two-Face, who already knows but values ​​duality over exposing him. Harvey Dent, as Two-Face, may still be interested in Batman and hides his identity to maintain balance. Warning! Spoilers for … Read more

Galactus' daughter officially recognized Marvel's smartest hero

Summary Galactus' daughter, Galactus, has officially declared Reed Richards the smartest hero in the Marvel Universe – something she can empirically sense, making it a fact, not an opinion. Galactan's powers give him a unique perspective on reality, and as a result of his ability, he is able to confirm that Reed's super-intelligence is superior … Read more